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partner determination assignment

Former Member
0 Kudos


After defining partner determination procedure and assign partner fuction to partner determination procedure and assign partner determination procedure to customer account and assigning individual partner functions to customer account group.

After i had done all the above, if i observe the partner fuctions in XD01 partner functions in sales area i got an error that sold to party is showing internal and ship to party,bill to party, payer it is not showing any thing and i got the error message as data is incomplete

pls give the solution.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Ram,

go to partner determination procedure then go to " partner function in procedure "

select the mandatory check box in partner function in procedure for SHIP TO PARTY,BILL TO PARTY, PAYER and save it now check XD01 you will get it.

I hope clear your issue.



Former Member
0 Kudos

IF you are creating a new customer you need to add the customer numbers in the SAles-> partners tab.

Still your issue is not clear. can you please elaborate