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Overseas placements-worth taking risks?

Former Member
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Maybe carreer centre is right forum for this question but cause of lack of audinace, im posting it here.

Moderators please set me free:-)

Just wanted to check how these overseas placement work.Few consultancies hire you here and place abroad.Is this worth taking the risk? Cause you have to come out of secured state.

Because you never no how the new land is goin to treat you. Can these kind of consultancies trusted upon?

Please share your ideas or experiance regarding this.



Active Contributor
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I hope so! I am looking forward to get the invitation from SAP US to help them do the business. And that would make me fly aaall the way to US from Europe. I will miss my secure state:))))) Otto

Former Member
0 Kudos

You really need to look inside yourself as well and consider how much risk you can take. How much you have to loose and a rollback scheme.

Generally opportunities arise in the strangest of places, and if you cover some ground while not having too much bagage then it can only make you stronger.

Cheers and moved to the Career Center...
