2014 Jun 10 5:33 AM
I am a fresh graduate. Completed Bachelors in Electronics and Telecommunications. I want to start learning Operating System for SAP Basis role. I have no clue where and how to start that.
I'll appreciate if you can give some insights on how to start building OS base for SAP Basis, Windows as I am posting in Windows forum.
Best Regards,
2014 Jun 10 6:15 AM
2014 Jun 10 6:24 AM
This is SAP on Microsoft Windows forum..
Your query is related to career guidance..
You should post your query in correct space to get the guidance quickly..
Please choose correct forum at the time of new thread creation. Choose appropriate forum from http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-19361. Read the document http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-18467 and read https://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-18590