2015 Apr 29 7:09 AM
I complete my online training course in FICO looking for opportunity but almost every job in sap need 4 or 5 years experience. No experience no job no job no experience. I do't know haw to brake this any opinion or suggestion. Any place for new person in FICO. IF there any opining I am open to relocated in any where US.
2015 May 02 11:45 PM
It is indeed a tricky situation and not at all an easy situation. To crack open your first job at the interview you need to show a lots of understanding about the module.You can get this through dedicating your time in SCN and practicing your configuration skills in IDES server.
Keep on trying until you get through. All the best Buddy...Trust me I had gone through the same situation.
2015 Apr 29 7:09 PM
It is difficult to break into SAP job market for beginners across all modules!
You have to show hard work, persistence and positivity. The cycle has to be:
No experience > dummy experience by study, practice in sandbox, answering SCN questions > Interview for job > keep going to interviewers till you get a job > learn on the job
2015 May 02 8:01 AM
If u don't have a job how u show hard work. How I get Entry Level job with out dummy experienc
2015 May 04 7:07 PM
How to get an entry level job? The answer is try, try and try.
Work hard, have a good hold on the theory.
2015 May 05 8:25 AM
2015 May 05 4:04 PM
Thanks! Actually the "try, try, try" continues throughout a SAP consultants work life. I have some experience but still every day I try to survive, to interact with users clearly, to gather the exact requirements etc. to study and keep the concepts clear.
Because, the client is always evaluating and will disengage you once he finds that you are not adding value!
2015 May 02 11:45 PM
It is indeed a tricky situation and not at all an easy situation. To crack open your first job at the interview you need to show a lots of understanding about the module.You can get this through dedicating your time in SCN and practicing your configuration skills in IDES server.
Keep on trying until you get through. All the best Buddy...Trust me I had gone through the same situation.
2015 May 05 7:09 AM
I am searching entry level job on indeed or dice even entry level jobs required tree years or five experience and life cycle project.
2015 May 05 4:00 PM
For entry level positions (SAP consultant), what kind of SAP experience are they asking - SAP end user? Please give details
There might be many "varieties" of SAP "consultant" entry level jobs. You have to sort and apply, based on your profile.
I have interviewed beginners in the past, my focus was to understand if their concepts were clear in important SD areas e.g. pricing, copy control, how they communicated (taking a standard process) You have to be clear, concise and logical, perseverant; as you are a beginner you do not have any technical work experience e.g. tickets solved or enhancements completed, but that is understandable! Show great interest in learning SAP, this will help your chances of success in interviews.