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Need advise for career in SAP

Former Member
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I am working on Glovia ERP (By Fujitsu) support from last 2 years. As this is a Tier-II ERP it is very rarely used and there would not be any career growth if I continue in this ERP. As I have functional knowledge on modules of ERP like manufacturing, procurement, Inventory management, Sales and Finance I want to switch to SAP and have a career in SAP. I have not worked much on programming part so I actually have very less idea of how ABAP programming would be and how are the job opportunities in it. As far as the research I have done on various SAP functional modules, I learnt that FI, MM,SD are the modules in high demand. My graduation is in Electrical engineering so there i not much to relate to that. Only based on my work experience on ERP modules, could you please suggest which module would be good career option in terms of Job opportunities, Salary and career growth down the line ? I am very confused . In my project there is SAP too, so I have a chance to do shadowing and learn any SAP module so please help me choose module in SAP. I am more interested to know about MM, SD and ABAP as I am not that interested in Finance though I know it is in the highest demand any time.

Please advise and guide me to choose a good career path.


Active Contributor
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Good to have interest in SAP

both MM and SD will be good but you have to choose the best out of two, based on your High interest

SD is more concerned with customer and MM with vendor

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


based your post, you can go for MM

you  have already worked in 

procurement, Inventory management,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I do agree with TW, your domain experience more into Inventory hence 1st choice is MM and also would not say NO even SD.

But one thing is very true once you learn either  SD or MM,  the other module you can easily learn with out much effort un like other modules.

All the  very best.



0 Kudos

Hi Deepika,

I appreciate your interest in SAP. Since you are already working in ERP environment, you can be be able to switch to SAP easily I believe.

Also preferring functional module is suggestible because you are more in to functional/Business environment.

Considering SAP MM/ SD is definitely a good idea, But usually everyone ( Who have supply chain domain experience ) will go for those modules only.

Also You can think about other sap modules Like PP / PM / PS / CRM...Etc. where you can get opportunity to  scale up your knowledge as well as new business processes also. Its all depends on your interest also.

Since you have good knowledge on Inventory / sales / Manufacturing. Its not that difficult to learn new Processes, it will become an added advantage.

I suggest you to refer and have a overview about others modules also as I suggested and based on your interest and analysis you can choose a best path.

Wish you all the very best.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Deepika

In my project there is SAP too, so I have a chance to do shadowing and learn any SAP module so please help me choose module in SAP.

It already sounds like you are more interesting in the materials side (hence I can see why MM is being suggested)

The main advise I can give here is if you have the chance to shadow and learn at work see which one is used a fair bit and who would mentor you. Practical experience with dedication is key to a successful career in SAP. You seem quite fortunate that you are at a company that has SAP for your to learn

The other bit to consider is to talk to your manager to see what skill shortages they have. If you can transition to SAP whilst at current employer you will be able to avoid going back to "Level 0" trying to get a look in. You also can leverage any good will you have developed with your current employer as you continue to work for them.

