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Need advice on Career in SAP after completing 9 yrs in IT mainly in Telecommunication Domain with BMC Remedy Tool knowledge

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Need advice on Career in SAP after completing 9 yrs in IT mainly in Telecommunication Domain with BMC Remedy Tool knowledge.

Which Module of SAP I can learn and get into as I have Tool based knowledge in BMC Remedy and fair knowledge in SQL, as I come from non-IT background. What are career prospect after completing  any SAP module now will my previous experience will be taken into account?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


One of the reasons nobody has replied to you yet is that, this is a question with so little information provided.

- There is no mention of your education background.

- Your work background is very vague.What exactly did you do in Telecommunication Domain?

- What exactly did you do in BMC Remedy? Where you just an end-user or did you do any background support work?

- What exactly did you do in SQL? Did you work on it or did you just attend training?

- Why do you want to jump into SAP? And what precisely you want to jump into in SAP?

- What are your interests? Technical or Non-technical?

- What's your career objective? Where do you want to be 5 years from now?

Without providing these information how can anyone help you? Picking a module and going with it makes no sense. What if you spend an insane amount of time and money learning a module in SAP (based on some random suggestions given here) and realize that this is not what you were looking for, or there is little scope for that module in the market? What then?

It's your career that you are planning. It definitely deserves more thought-process and planning to go into.
