2015 Aug 20 12:41 PM
Hi all,
I am done with MBA in marketing Specialization and working for a startup as SEO Analyst(Search Engine Optimization ) from past 1year looking to make my career in SAP I am completely new to this field, Will you please suggest me which module suits my profile and how will be the scope of SAP for marketing graduate.
2015 Aug 21 6:40 AM
Hi Harsha,
Thank you for your interest in SAP. So... focused on the marketing side, the CRM module would fit best with what you want, there is a lot of content on SCN about this subject. I'll post some links here to read, so you know better about this module (I suggest reading the blogs and documents).
Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM)
Next step would be to expertise, I suggest reading the blog below, as you clarify about joining the SAP ecosystem.
How to transform yourself from a fresher to an expert SAP Consultant?
I hope to succeed in any choice you make
Warm regards,
Raphael Pacheco.