2010 Aug 25 11:08 PM
I am new to SAP FI, learning through e-academy. To enhance my learning in effective and efficient manner, I am looking for friends who are also new or learning FI, or has learned but intend to guide the newbies.
Can any body guide me for any portal or site where I can meet such people and share knowledge and experience, which could benefit all?
Thank you.
2010 Aug 26 5:30 AM
2010 Aug 26 5:30 AM
2010 Aug 26 7:17 AM
Thank you Lakshmi, for showing me the direction - but still not complete - i am still looking for friends.
Guide me further, please.
2010 Aug 26 9:27 AM
SDN doesn't offer Instant chanting to meet/make friends. For so many people the contact details are also hiddden. so its not possible to meet FI friends from SDN
Can any body guide me for any portal or site where I can meet such people and share knowledge and experience, which could benefit all?
SDN is in Twitter and Linked in (not sure about others like facebook) so check in those. from there you can meet people directly and can do friendship. SDn doesnt offers such facilities right now
2010 Aug 27 10:45 PM
Thank you Mahesh,
Facebook do have it a SAP group. I went in to it after your direction.
others, have not tried yet.
I know its SDN is not a chatting portal - but one of the most important source for help.
Soon, I shall also be in a position to help and guide others.
Thank you.
Edited by: muzairkhan on Aug 27, 2010 11:46 PM
Edited by: muzairkhan on Aug 27, 2010 11:47 PM