2013 Oct 09 2:49 PM
This is Kavitha and one of my friend are interest to migrate to SAP PI from Java and he has around 6 yrs of exp. in java.
Is this right path to choose SAP PI or some other modules in SAP?
Kindly give your valuable suggestion on it.
Thanks & Regards,
2013 Oct 09 3:57 PM
Hi Kavitha,
yes he can migrate to PI. At present in the market most of the companies are looking for the resources who are having experience in java or ABAP along with PI.so i think he can easily get the job once he done with the training and practice.
since he is having good programming knowledge and experience, he can also go for ABAP as well.
please refer the below links
Bhargava krishna
2013 Oct 09 3:20 PM
This is not right place to discuss, could you please move this thread to career section.
2013 Oct 09 3:56 PM
Hello Kavitha,
We have moved this thread to the Careers forum. Hopefully you will get a better response on this forum.
2013 Oct 09 3:57 PM
Hi Kavitha,
yes he can migrate to PI. At present in the market most of the companies are looking for the resources who are having experience in java or ABAP along with PI.so i think he can easily get the job once he done with the training and practice.
since he is having good programming knowledge and experience, he can also go for ABAP as well.
please refer the below links
Bhargava krishna
2013 Oct 09 3:59 PM
Hello Kavita,
why the person can't post directly here on SCN. ? and why you/ or your friend selected Special SAP PI? means there are no. of Modules and the person is working on java then he/she must go with ABAP or some technical modules.