2013 Sep 21 2:12 PM
Hi, I am suresh kumar. I completed my MCA in 2011. But, I don't have any good programming and coding skills. That's why I want to learn SAP Functional modules like CRM, HR, BI/BW, HANA. I am new to this modules. So which is the best module to get a job easily. Now I want to learn this modules. Please give reply. This is very helpful to me plz....
2013 Sep 23 5:46 PM
Hi Suresh,
Take sometime and go through the various modules in SAP and see which one you are comfortable with and also you can search in job portals the availability of jobs in various domains. You are the best judge of your skills and strong points.
SCN is a good place to learn and understand about any module of SAP, search and learn about what the modules are and then take a decision.
FYI - A domain that is easy to learn may not have many jobs because many would have already learnt it and would have taken jobs
Nagarajan Viswanathan
2013 Sep 23 2:57 PM
Hi Suresh, even for functional modules you need some domain experience. If you have knowledge on Networking, OS such as UNIX or AIX, DBA then try to learn Basis module and then learning HANA will help you.
2013 Sep 23 3:18 PM
As per best module or part of SAP, Now a days SAP two things are very popular.. UI5 and SAP HANA..
See MM,SD,FI all are functional module of SAP..
MM(Martial management ).. Anything came to your company will be come in this.
SD(Sales and distribution ).. Anything you sold out will come under this.
FI(Financial Accounting) .. Anything related to Money etc will come in this..
without MM you can't do SD and FI..
So now you can understand all are related to each other and all are equally important
For more you can follow this thread ..
2015 Dec 11 7:21 AM
Hi Chandra Shekhar
I am working in IT from last 2 years in testing domain,Now i want to change my domain and i am looking forward for SAP.Can you please suggest which module should i select
2013 Sep 23 5:46 PM
Hi Suresh,
Take sometime and go through the various modules in SAP and see which one you are comfortable with and also you can search in job portals the availability of jobs in various domains. You are the best judge of your skills and strong points.
SCN is a good place to learn and understand about any module of SAP, search and learn about what the modules are and then take a decision.
FYI - A domain that is easy to learn may not have many jobs because many would have already learnt it and would have taken jobs
Nagarajan Viswanathan
2013 Sep 26 6:26 AM
Thank you to ur valuable advice. Now i want to learn SAP CRM. Is it helpful to get job in future or not?. I gain some knowledge on this through google. That's why i want to learn. plz... tell is it right decision or not?
2013 Sep 26 6:34 AM
Hi Suresh,
CRM is an integral part of any business so its demand would be there. If you have decided to pursue CRM then get the training from a good training center which has good faculty. If money is not a constraint then you may go for SAP authorized training partner, check with them if they provide any intern jobs so that you have are well taken care. Once you are well placed in a SAP CRM job then you may explore BI + HANA later.
Good Luck.
Nagarajan Viswanathan
2013 Sep 26 6:48 AM
Thank u once again. Now i am in hyderabad. if u know any institute which provide good faculty, please tell that. For this purpose, i enquiry so many people but i can't decide which institute can be taken to learn sap crm.
2013 Sep 26 6:58 AM
Hi Suresh,
I left Hyderabad a long time ago so at the moment I don't have any update about good training centers and faculties but there are a lot of institutes in Hyderabad and what is challenging is to find which one is having good faculty and provides good education. If you can afford to get training from SAP authorized training partner then it has its own advantage.
You can ask for a demo session from the institutes where you inquired about training on CRM and find out what additional facilities are they providing (ex - any involvement in a live project, job assistance, internship etc).
2013 Sep 26 7:29 AM
2013 Sep 26 7:34 AM
2013 Sep 26 7:36 AM
Well this is difficult to say but whatever you choose you must learn it well and understand it clearly so that you can apply that knowledge at work and do well. You should start making good connections with professionals, recruiters, groups via (LinkedIn, SCN, FB and any other good means). Keep visiting SCN and go through the different posts by people on CRM and see what real time challenges are and what solutions are proposed and how they work.
2013 Sep 26 7:44 AM
Thank u to ur valuable advice. if u know any institute in hyderabad who give good real time training on that module. plz... tell. that's very helpful to me.
2013 Sep 26 7:46 AM
"A domain that is easy to learn may not have many jobs because many would have already learnt it and would have taken jobs"
Nagarajan Viswanathan wrote:
Hi Suresh,
Take sometime and go through the various modules in SAP and see which one you are comfortable with and also you can search in job portals the availability of jobs in various domains. You are the best judge of your skills and strong points.
SCN is a good place to learn and understand about any module of SAP, search and learn about what the modules are and then take a decision.
FYI - A domain that is easy to learn may not have many jobs because many would have already learnt it and would have taken jobs
Nagarajan Viswanathan
Thats really a good point.
2013 Sep 26 7:46 AM
2013 Sep 26 7:48 AM
2013 Sep 26 7:50 AM
Likewise Suresh. I wish you good luck with learning SAP and wish you get a nice job very soon.
2013 Sep 26 7:54 AM
Hi Ankit,
Well.. even companies do ask their people to be multi-skilled on certain products/technologies that can be learnt while you are doing a particular job/working on a technology so such modules alone may not be enough for bagging a good job.
2013 Sep 26 8:07 AM
thank u so much. my friends says you have some experience on marketing side to learn sap CRM. is it necessary to learn SAP CRM. i am new to one. will i face problems to learn this module. plz... suggest me.
2013 Sep 26 8:27 AM
Hello sir, sorry for disturb you. because it's my career decision. my friends says you have some experience on marketing side to learn sap CRM. is it necessary to learn SAP CRM. i am new to one. will i face problems to learn this module. plz... suggest me.
2013 Sep 26 8:38 AM
Nothing Like that. You can learn with or without market experience also. See, Experience in any good thing, is not waste. Its not necessary that you should have exp. you can learn it without exp also. But be regular and updated once you started learning it. Follow the people/group related to same on SCN,FB anywhere. By this you can get knowledge of update thing and frequent issue comes in same, try to find the solution for that also .
2013 Sep 26 9:03 AM
Hi Suresh,
You are welcome to ask questions. It is not mandatory to have experience in marketing to learn SAP CRM. When you enroll for training then try to give all your focus in learning the subject and make a logical diagram of all activities so that you find it interesting and understand how things are related logically. Keep practicing all that you learn in class and make use of the lab as much as possible. Parallel to doing training keep visiting SCN and read the queries/responses posted by CRM professionals under the CRM section, this will give you lot of information and also go through the articles and blogs posted by people who have experience working/learning CRM. Don't let anyone cloud your thoughts with doubts, just stay focused and keep up the learning.
2013 Sep 26 9:16 AM
2013 Sep 26 9:16 AM
2013 Sep 26 9:21 AM
2013 Sep 26 9:22 AM
2013 Sep 26 9:29 AM
Once you enroll for training with a SAP authorized training partner then they will provide you the required study material.
Have a look at the following links to get more insight into CRM:
- http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-46265
- http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-28195
2013 Sep 26 9:42 AM
is there any jobs as a fresher on sap crm after completing my training? so many friends tell that there are no openings as a fresher on sap crm. please give some clarification
2013 Sep 26 9:58 AM
Take sometime and go through job portals and check with folks that are currently working on CRM as they can tell you the current demand. Also, you can check with the SAP Training center about internship and placement assistance after training.
Check this one - http://www.timesjobs.com/job-detail/IT-Telecom-Software-ALL-job-in-Hiperio-Systems-Pvt-LTD-Bengaluru...
- http://jobs.monsterindia.com/details/13581324.html?sig=js-1-9b0fa75e5ad8768bdcb870dbdb651f47-1&from=
2013 Sep 26 10:05 AM
2013 Sep 26 10:07 AM
2013 Sep 26 10:08 AM
2013 Sep 30 5:58 AM
Hello sir, when i am enquiry about SAP CRM. In CRM, there are 2 options one is CRM-technical and another is CRM-functional. which one is to get job easily to the present SAP market. plz.. give some suggestion to me.
2013 Sep 30 6:24 AM
Hi Suresh,
Regarding which domain is currently hot in terms of job availability is difficult to say but you can find out from job portals by checking the CRM job postings and also with recruitment consultants. One thing is sure that you need CRM technical people to make CRM work in SAP so the demand should be equal if not high compared to functional.
2013 Sep 30 6:36 AM
Thank you sir, but jobs can be placed more on CRM in abroads not in india. But i can't speak english fluently. if i learn CRM function fluently, is it drawback to get the job.
2013 Sep 30 6:47 AM
Well, you can improve communication by interacting with people in English. When you work in any MNC you would be required to talk to clients in English. In some jobs/companies the technical guys communicate with clients via email or they don't communicate but their TL/Project Lead does but that may not be true in every case. No body can teach you a language in a said period of time, but you can improve in short time by practicing the language more with everyone and keep improving your vocabulary and subject knowledge. If you think CRM functional jobs are not found in India then see how the job market for CRM tech guys is and then decide.
2013 Sep 30 6:58 AM
Thank you sir, your words are so inspiring me and you are one of the best. i am very happy to meet you through this good SAP community network. you gave answers to me with more patience. Thank you once again sir.
2013 Sep 30 7:06 AM
Hi Suresh,
You are always welcome. I am glad that I was able to give you some info and it was useful to you. You are at the beginning point of your career so keep up your learning curve, never give up in any situation, always try to improve your skills and gain knowledge. Make use of SCN as much as you can, read all posts clearly and if you know the answer or something that might help the other person then reply. If you feel you got response to your query then rate it and close this query. If you need any other information on SAP then SCN is there for you and me and many other professionals are there to assist.
Good Luck.
Nagarajan Viswanathan
2013 Oct 03 5:31 AM
Hello Nagarajan, I went to some institute to learn SAP CRM Functional. They give some document about the Course. I attached this document. please check that document and tell these topics are sufficient or not?
Faculty : Mr.Raam Charan SAP Certified consultant
CR580-CRM User Interface (Web UI)
Real-Time Project implementation
2013 Oct 04 3:40 PM
Verstion IT is there in Hyderabad that faculty have 13 yrs of experience in CRM functional .
Search in Ameerpet and Mytrivanam places,there is lot of institutes are there .