2022 Feb 23 2:29 PM
I am a bba graduate I have no IT background but I would like to have a career in SAP. Which module will be perfect for me.
2022 Feb 23 2:29 PM
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The more details you provide (about yourself in this case and what interest you have), the more likely it is that members will be able to respond. Feel free to also take our Q&A tutorial at: https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/community-qa.html (Should you wish, you can revise your question by selecting Actions, then Edit).
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2022 Feb 23 2:38 PM
Hi Salman
Welcome to SAP World
All depending on your interest, you can learn any module in SAP at any time, in the course of experience you get the more knowledge, All the best
2022 Mar 02 5:23 AM
It all depends on your interest and if you would want to grow yourself. As of today there is a lot of demand for skills with S/4HANA, so you might want to explore some of the available courses on :Open SAP
This should help you at least understand the various options available. Depending on your interest you could also check there after the learning journeys available.
Thanks & Regards
Sanil Bhandari