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I have completed SAP fico and looking for SAP fico jobs.

Former Member
0 Kudos


I have recently completed SAP fico and I am currently looking for jobs in the same field. I am an MBA FInance graduate with overall experience of 5 years. SInce I am new to the SAP and have no prior experience, I am looking for a FICO enduser job. Kindly please help me.




Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Savitha

Dont be a miser while expecting! Aspire for Big!!

Why End User Job? Trust yourself, aspire Big!!

be in touch with the institute you did SAP Certification From. They might get notices about job postings

Never fake your resume. Be honest. It may take time, but a peaceful sleep at night is more important

Meanwhile, increase your knowledge by doing good hands-on every day... Keep a target of learning 1 new thing daily and dont spare yourself. Dont sleep if you dont do that

Keep an eye on SCN FI, CO Forums. Its a great resource to learn

Do read good blogs on SCN. Find what interests you

Ajay M

0 Kudos

Hi Ajay,

Thank you for your reply. The Institute I have done SAP from is no longer providing the course and they are not of any help. I am doing my learning promptly.

