2015 Jan 14 5:50 AM
Hi Friends,
I am a finance professional ,even though I have advance excel skills, but have no programming skills at all. I am working in Finance for last 15 years and well aware of all financial interface. As a user I worked on systems like SAP & SUN.
I intend to become a SAP consultant , can some one please advise what type of consultant can I become and what is the process.
2015 Jan 14 6:15 AM
Go with SAP FI/CO module
and SAP BPC.
Thank You,
Please close this thread.
2015 Jan 14 8:58 AM
HI there,
Sorry I did not get you, SAP (FI,CO) , what type of models are these ? What type of skill set is required.
By the way if you know someone who is a CA /CPA and moved to SAP , can you please connect me to him for real time advise.
2015 Jan 14 11:36 AM
HI Susheel
You first question can be resolved by basic searching and as an end user I am surprised. SAP FI CO are the Finance and Controlling modules for SAP. If your background is in Finance then there modules make sense.
I recommend you search this information and to get some background.
2015 Jan 14 12:17 PM
Hi Susheel,
I would be really surprised, being a Chartered Accountant and CPA, if you are asking for what type of modules SAP FI CO are?
If you are really looking into SAP area, SAP FI (Finance - Financial Accounting) CO (Controlling - Management Accounting) would suits you.
May be down the line you may look into SAP BPC (Business Planning & Consolidation).
As suggested by more search would give you fruitful results and background.
Hope this helps you.
Kind Regards,
2015 Jan 15 4:26 AM
Hi Ravi,
This is not what I asked for , but anyhow thanks a lot for sharing your sphere of knowlege.
I will speak to a professional here in Sydney.
2015 Jan 15 10:49 AM
Hi Susheel
Having a CPA and Financial background, ti would be logical to try to become a SAP Finance Consultant (which is where FICO modules and BPC come in as options)
If you have been working a few years and are an end user, you might have better luck moving your way up the ranks from End User to Super user through to Functional Analyst. Within Australia, a lot of consultancies hire graduates or experienced support/project members that are customer facing. You can always look on the major jobs bulletin boards to see what type of jobs openings there are for SAP.
2015 Jan 15 11:01 PM
Thanks Colleen thats really helpful.
Sorry for my ignorance, when it comes to SAP FI & CO module, are there different type of course for FI & CO , tehcnichal , functional etc ... , as you know I have no knowlege of any programming and last worked on SAP R3 around 6 years back , which course would you recommend , is there a technical name for it
Last but not the least, to sucessfully complete this course , do I need to learn any programming language or ...
Thanks for your help and have a great day.
Cheers 🙂
2015 Jan 16 5:21 AM
HI Susheel
There isn't much more advice to offer you until your do some research. I recommend you obtain a SAP Learning Hub Discovery Edition (zero cost) account (search training and education for it) and enroll. Within that subscription, there are some Business Process Overviews for topics including Finance. This will provide you some information that will better assist you in deciding if that type of work is for you
No you do not need to learn programming to work on SAP. As others have mentioned, you can be a functional consultant/person focusing on the Finance and Controlling modules. Learning technical concepts does help assist (I cannot code but I can debug, though I am technical background in security).
If you are a SAP end user and system support is run from Sydney, the other thing you could consider doing is see if your management would allow you to go shaddow the support team and learn what they do. Depending on your company, you might have a work performance plan for employee development - in this plan you could mention your aspiration is to move into SAP work but not sure where. You'll get more on the hands and practical guidance. As well as that, you might find an opportunity within your company.
2015 Jan 19 6:22 PM
Hello Ravi,
I'm SAP MM/WM consultant . I have great passion for learning SAP FICO. do you have any recommendations ? Do you have anything to suggest? I understand basics of FI however I'm worried since I do not have any supporting academic qualifications.