2014 Nov 19 11:06 PM
Hi All,
Presently i am working in Redwood(SAP CPS) and SAP Netweaver for last one year..Can any one please suggest me how to switch my career into SAP basis?? and the skills i need to enhance for it..
Thanks in Advance..
2014 Nov 20 12:34 PM
Hello Pravin,
You are working on SAP netweaver, but what kind of work you are doing in that, roles and responsibility ??
2014 Nov 20 2:15 AM
Maybe you can start with ABAP programming and SAP system management.
Best regards,
2014 Nov 20 12:29 PM
Hi Cheng
why programming?
SAP system management - isn't that another phrase for Basis?
It is nice that you want to give advise but you might be of more assistance if you provided some reasoning ofr your thoughts?
2014 Nov 20 8:23 PM
Thank you for your reply..Can you please assist me how to switch to SAP BASIS??
2014 Nov 20 8:25 PM
Hi Cheng,
Thanks for you reply...But i am interested in SAP BASIS..Is there anything you can share with your experience???
2014 Nov 21 12:42 AM
Hi Colleen,
Thanks for your reply.
Let me add some information about my thought here:
why programming?
You can understand the system logic better by digging into code level, it will also be helpful if you want to enhance your system with own thought.
SAP system management - isn't that another phrase for Basis?
You are right, but I think SAP BASIS is much more than system management.
You can use it but you may not reach know about it, isn't it?
Best regards,
2014 Nov 21 4:35 AM
Hello Cheng,
As per my personal experience basis person knows hardly 5% of programing and that to T-codes or some table transaction and job scheduling.
By digging into coding basis person may find the logic or data flow of program/application but can't find how its running on the physical/virtual system.
So i think w/o programing knowledge also anyone can learn basis.
2014 Nov 20 12:34 PM
Hello Pravin,
You are working on SAP netweaver, but what kind of work you are doing in that, roles and responsibility ??
2014 Nov 20 8:22 PM
Hi Chandra,
Thanks for your reply...Normally I used to monitor and schedule jobs in Redwood and used to check job status, job logs,work process of jobs and also used to prepare report for daily run..can you assist me ??
2014 Nov 21 4:29 AM
Okay, Then you need to learn system management or basis.
Because basis is much more then you have done in past. In basis responsible person should aware of how to setup new SAP system physical, virtual and cloud environment, add-ons, product versions, software components, business function, what all the configuration needs to be done for that, system up and down, client copy, etc etc..
I would say you need to join some online/offline training for that and best knowledge and experience will come only when you will resolve real time issues. .
2014 Nov 21 6:23 PM
Your answer is very helpfull...Thank you very much
And is there any good websites or blogs for studying BASIS???before i join any course for some more understanding??
2014 Nov 24 6:09 AM
Hi Pravin,
I appriciate your interst to get the overview / understadning of module before taking the course.Its really right way to learn something.
I suggest you to search it in web where you will get lot of websites on SAP BASIS to get lot of info, where some sites providing some videos which will be more useful for you to get the basic understanding AT INITAIL STAGE.
also try to refer below links which will gives you more information to get into the same.
All the very best.
2014 Nov 24 6:20 AM
There are plenty of material available, you can find it very easily, and can find at SCN spaces also.
2014 Nov 25 6:16 AM
Than you for your reply.. I am preparing the concepts and basics and some intermediate level concepts of SAP BASIS for past four months from few blogs and some materials from my friends.. Am i going in right direction???Is there anything you can advice in this???
2014 Nov 25 6:16 AM
2014 Nov 25 1:24 PM
it is good advise to direct to SAP documentation, however, I think it would be better if you did not link to a 4.6C version as the product has evolved a fair bit in that last 10+ years
2014 Nov 25 1:48 PM
I wil try to be more concrete in this answer.
I started my SAP Basis career 15 month ago without any previous knowledge of SAP at all. I have got a job in a team of knowledgeable persons, so I have always someone to ask. But many problems I tried to solve myself.
Here is my advice and some links (I will try to be short, feel free to ask for details).
Look at my document about free ways to learn SAP -
Install your own SAP system () and try to manage the system (start and stop the system, import support packages, import language, monitor the system, change the system parameter etc.).
You can find lot of valuable documents on SCN. Try to get involved in some discussions here. Reading about problems and trying to solve them gave me a lot of knowledge. The best way to learn is "learning by doing" in this case (at least for me).
Kind regards
2014 Dec 15 6:22 AM
2014 Nov 25 5:35 PM
Hi Pravin,
This question comes up a fair amount, about how best to break into Basis as a career path, what skillsets should you have, etc. You might have a look at this similar thread asked several months ago (which Colleen and I, and some others, replied to with lots of good advice). Rather than repeat everything I wrote again here (cause I got a little long-winded -- sorry! ), I'll just link to it:
2014 Dec 15 6:23 AM
2014 Dec 15 6:39 AM
Hi Pravin,
Start with monitoring of the SAP servers, gradually you will go into deep by referring online documents.
There are Basic T-codes for monitoring servers.
Also start going through TADM10, TADM12 (BASIS) and TADM51 (Oracle) documents thoroughly.
I also started with same steps.
Komal Ligade.
2014 Dec 17 8:22 AM