2014 Sep 03 4:35 PM
Myself Anirudha Gaikwad and I lived in Pune, India. I did my PGDFT, now I have 8 years of work experience in Export Documentation & SAP SD End user Experience. i got a training of SAP SD now i want to move my carrier in SAP SD. How to Modify My Resume.
1) Please help to modify my Resume.
2) How i got job in SAP SD
i have updated my Resume still i have not any call.
Your help will be value added to my carrier.
Anirudha Gaikwad.
2014 Sep 03 5:10 PM
Wrong question at right place. I mean Modify resume??
U tell us, what you want to make first Carrier or Career??
2014 Sep 03 6:25 PM
2014 Sep 03 6:32 PM
What update have you done in your resume?
For how much time are you searching for a SAP SD job? and what position?
Have you attended any interviews? what was the result?
How are you preparing daily? Are you SD certified?
added: Anirudha,
You haven't replied to my questions.
How are you preparing yourself for SD interviews?
Faking in resume is very dangerous. The chances to get caught is very very high.
Even if you get selected, retaining a job would be difficult (as you don't have the work experience).
Keep practicing in IDES (test system), learn the SD processes.
Message was edited by: TW Typewriter
2014 Sep 04 4:17 PM
<<Resume removed by Moderator>>
Moderator Message: Posting Resume here is not allowed. This is not a job portal!
Message was edited by: kishan P
2014 Sep 04 4:36 PM
Very few companies(In India) hires SAP fresher's as Industry fresher's based on their domain experience.
Though they are not certified.
Advise you to remove your resume asap,as it contains most of your personal details. It's against ROE.
<<Quotes and external links irrelevant to the conversation removed by Moderator>>
Message was edited by: kishan P
2014 Sep 04 4:48 PM
Sir thanks for your suggestion.
what should i do for sap sd job. should i modify my RESUME with my end user work.. it will work?. please give me suggestions.
2014 Sep 04 7:35 PM
Your resume is too long with non-SAP experience. Non-SAP experience make it 2 lines per position.
I could not have your SD end user experience any where!
No body is interested in Sr. Officer or Jr. Officer, what work have you done in SAP SD that matters.
2014 Sep 05 6:05 AM
2014 Sep 05 7:46 AM
Yes, you can send me a DM. (as I am following you now)
2014 Sep 05 7:53 AM
2014 Sep 06 8:45 AM
Thanks a Lot for your reply...
Below is my End user work..
Create Customer Master Centrally
Create Inquiry
Create Quotation
Create Sales Order
Create Billing Documents
Right from Inquiry to Final Billing i have made all end user work in SAP and also i got a course of SAP SD Functional..
2014 Sep 06 11:59 AM
Ofcourse you should add this relevant experience in your resume!
2014 Sep 06 3:47 PM
Dear Anirudha,
you got most of the answers, but remember, dnot believe in those general institute guide you, they are the cancer of SAP, they just tell ppl, to update the CV, actual fact is they are indirectly asking to FAKE resume, its actually crime in some countries, pls dnot do it.
The essence of "A domain expert" moving into SAP is being lost during translation,
its actually, a domain experts ex: Sales & Marketing guy, learning "Standard SAP" and then applying for a Job ( current market scenario, very limit chances) and getting through, it was in way back 2003, domain experts very given lots of chances to move into SAP,
now Supply Vs Demand curve has changed... if you ask me personally, better stop thinking about moving into SAP, as there is huge work force, who hare having 10yrs+ in SAP and there is not much need of new guys...
But SAP is great software, u wanna still get into it, do the SAP SD certification and you may get break as SAP SD fresher.