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How to Learn FI/CO

Former Member
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Hi All,

I am very new to FI/CO and i have 1 1/2 year abap experience..... Now I need to work completely on FI and may be on CO. Can anyone suggest me how I can learn and execute.

Thanks n advance,



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I am not a FICO guy but I can tell you how I learn:

- Ask yourself a question/ a problem which you´re going to solve through your training.

- Find the brief answer how to solve the problem and how should the result look like

Then the learning comes:

- You need to find a sequence of steps how to convert the input (problem) to the output (solution)

- You need to find a sub-solution for every step

Example problem:

- You would like to customize the "whole" Trip (travel management)

Example solution (well, the parts of the solution are the steps to take):

- You need to create some basic master data (probably)

- You need to create a workflow for processing

- You need to understand how to budget the travelling and how to post the prices

etc. etc.

I don´t know if that helps, but that is how I learn (for example I am curious about the BW and some other stuff).

I would like to hear other people opinions and of yourse yours as well.

Regards Otto

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Pardon me, double post by accident. Otto

Edited by: Otto Gold on Apr 13, 2010 3:50 PM

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You being an ABAPer, it is assumed you have had little knowledge on the workaround of FICO in SAP.

Start from basic concepts in FICO. Search on SDN. Try and understand the business flow and its correlation with SAP.

Use SAP Help >

Check out the FI documentation in the PDF Index there.

Read some books. I wouldn't strictly recommend any, but this one is good -

"Configuring SAP R/3 FI/CO" by David Nowak, Quentin Hurst

Don't be hard and fast on what to read and what not. Read everything that comes your way.

I would suggest read the FICO forums on SDN. Very helpful for a learner. But ofcourse, refrain from asking basic questions which have already been answered or which you can get it on SAP Help page.

Go around and play on the SandBox if you have it.

F1 is always the savior

Lastly, never think you know all of FICO. That should keep you going!!

All the best!



0 Kudos

Hi guys,

Thanks alot for your replies.......... really its very useful for me........

but can anyone provide me the links, documents, etc.... regarding the fico, bcos i dont know anything in fico even i dont know the tables....... i worked on the sd and mm.

hope you understand my situation.

0 Kudos

bcos I unrstand your problem, start from here:

0 Kudos

Please learn proper written English as well, this will come in handy on many professional occasions.


P.S. just checked Otto's link, sorry for the "duplicate" statement

0 Kudos

Hi Otto,

I doesnt find any meaning in your post......... i think this forum is not for playing..... as we guys were serious to know something....... u are making fun........ it hurts man....... if you can help and plz help or else, plz stay away.....

0 Kudos

hi thomas,

I couldnt understand your reply........ if you guys dont know about fico then plz stay away and dont post such kind of irrelevant replies.... bcos of you guys the rest others were not answered to my question....

I think this is for knowledge sharing... if you are doing these kind of things knowledge sharing wont happen.

0 Kudos

Of course, using proper English language is one of the forum rule, If you don't follow obviously people will comment that. I would suggest you to read Forum rules first.

0 Kudos

Always the same argument, "I don't like your reply so stay away". Doesn't work like that, sorry.


0 Kudos

I really dont understand the replies in this thread.

About english, there are lot of threads in SDN which dont completely respect english language but still treated with all due espect.

But here comments are so distrubing.

OP has genuine question though it is repetative one.Solution was to request him to search.


0 Kudos


Please go through some threads above. You have been sent the most helpful link on SAP Help. and Also read the suggested book.

Please do not ask for any documents on this forum. It snot allowed.

Also, request you to read forum rules and not use "PLZ" as this will lock your threads in the future.

Respect forum rules and do ask if any other info. required. Ask only if not available via searching.

And guys, request you to stop the discussion on "english" and lets keep the discussions here healthy and clean.



0 Kudos

Rajendra, I have provided the best solution i was able to give at first. I have described what I would do and that is the best I can offer to others. Are you mad at me so you don´t read the emails?:)) Otto

0 Kudos

Try the sort of English which is seen here, in your Resume while applying for a job and see how far it goes. Because as per your logic, as long as you have the knowledge, it does not matter how bad you English is.


0 Kudos

Buddy,I haven't received any lately.I would have definately replied if I had received one.Thought you were busy.

And no questions on your post:-)

It was just "English":-)

0 Kudos


I guess you up with your sleeves to oppose.

I posted it only cause OP was not very happy about the comments he received.It could have been more gentle.And again he is new to forum.

Direction to forum rules was more then enough to handle the situation.

0 Kudos

No, my sleeves are very much where it's supposed to be.

I posted it only cause OP was not very happy about the comments he received.

Read Thomas' second comment.

And again he is new to forum.

Direction to forum rules was more then enough to handle the situation

All the more reason, why the OP should have read the rules of the forum. Fundamental netiquettes.


0 Kudos

PK, You are right.

But I am really not sure even if you had read the forum rules before your first post:-)

OP still doesnt deserve such comments..:-)

Anyways request you to understand the point I am trying to make here.

All is well which ends well:-)


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I made my comment because here somebody is looking for help regarding his career, but comes across (at least to me) quite lazy by using abbreviations like "bcos", not using upper case (like the eagle in that funny blog entry), chaining fragments with "......" etc.

It's not so much about correct English (I'm making plenty of mistakes), but about a proper and professional way of communicating, even more so when asking others for help.


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FULL support Thomas, my English is far from perfect, but this is the question of the attitude Otto

Former Member
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hi vichu

i just completed my fico module online training course. i would suggest the same for you. of course it is definetely not

the end of it, but to start it is better to undergo some training.