2015 Nov 04 9:10 AM
Hi Everyone,
I am Lewellyn, working as marketing manager in a logistics company at Singapore
Having 4+ years of experience in Sales and marketing, I want to get into SAP.
I have a burning desire to work in SAP as Sales or Pre sales Associate.
Tried applying to SAP academy for Pre-sales and Sales, but didn't get through.
Could anyone answer my below questions:
1) SAP academy for sales(presales) are only for fresh graduates?
2) Is there any certification for Pre-sales or sales to work in SAP or with SAP partners?
3) Will my sales background will be counted to get an entry into SAP?
Looking forward for your reply
2015 Nov 05 3:44 PM
Hi Lewellyn,
I can recommend the Sales- and PreSales-trainings on the SAP PartnerEdge Portal.
2015 Nov 06 1:32 AM
Hi Timo,
Thank you for your response.
Is it possible to send me the link for the training ? and also advice how to register into partner edge
2015 Nov 06 5:48 AM
Hi Lewellyn,
if your Company is a SAP Partner they will have access to the SAP Partneredge Portal. So whoever is managing the SAP Partneredge Portal in your Company would be able to allow your S-User to Access the Portal.
Within the SAP Partneredge Portal choose a product in the products menu, most of them have a training link in the navigation where you can find sales and presales trainings.
2015 Nov 06 6:49 AM
Hi Timo,
Thank you for your detailed explanation.
Shall contact my office regarding this