2015 Sep 22 12:17 PM
Need help from this forum .. from last few years I have always being heave heart feeling the someday my role will be in Redundancy Radar of Organization and to get an once and for all end to this scary feeling
I did some market value certifications and got myself certified with Below certification
1. In Area of Project Management - PMP / PRNICE 2
2. In Area of Service Management - ITIL V3 (Currently only Foundation Level)
3. In Area of Testing - ISTQB
And off course in addition to above all this is my FI Certified Associate in ERP 6.0
I really dont know how organization value this however am currently on my di hard Job hunt and am still not able to get any positive conversion.
Soon I will be approaching my Last work day with my current organization
can someone please suggest is there some employer in world who needs
10 - 20 % of Management Exp
10 - 20 % of Service Mgmt Knowlege and balance of domain ... ie SAP FI / CO .
Need Max help from all you with referrals and pointers
Message was edited by: Colleen Lee - added white space and paragraphs to improve reading.
2015 Sep 22 6:40 PM
"sinking ship"...too damn self-demotivating!
sorry for saying it directly. You choose to swim or sink, work double/triple hard and things will get better.
2015 Sep 23 6:58 AM
I do agree ... too much demotivating (but i just couldnt stop myslef from hiding the fact)
I do definatly choose to swim ... however can some please be guiding start even a small fish can do magic in this condition
I assure you to provide my best service by working 4 times harder that i am currently doing
Hope to get a sunrise
2015 Sep 23 9:12 AM
Soon I will be approaching my Last work day with my current organization
It is really surprising that when you have no new offers in hand, how come you tendered your resignation ? This itself is a major blunder you committed. Also, you have not explained
For information, if you are at junior level and still if you say you are not getting calls, then, I feel, you have not projected you properly in your profile. I know market is wide open for juniors in all industry. Just keep updating your profile in job portals.
G. Lakshmipathi
2015 Sep 23 9:23 AM
I don't think finishing up was by choice (that's how I read it)
I assure you to provide my best service by working 4 times harder that i am currently doing
Part of this comes down to working smarter instead of harder
Lakshmipathi has already asked some key questions - you've mentioned what paper you are trying to get on your resume and skills but you haven't explained much about current job/skills
2015 Sep 23 10:04 AM
Hi Laxmipathi / Collen I do agree with you on the below fact without having no new offer in hand how did I tender my resignation.
The reason behind this was I always thought that I may not be in position to have full focused search if keep on continuing what I am currently onto and part of this also drove out of a scary feeling that if I am not able to get something in SAP soon I may lose hold out of subject and may not be in touch with latest things coming into market (in short my skills be outdated and my consultant certification will just be name sake)
• What sort of job you are doing currently - I am currently a Project Manager with one of Reputed Global Investment Bank
• which one is your core area - I consider my core area as Finance being Financial Graduate and I also certified consultant FI (ECC 6.0)
• How many years of domain experience you have - I have around 10 Years of Domain Exp There may also be problem (I assume so) looking my profile the requirement holders don’t consider me as Fresher (due to fact that I have around 10+ Yrs of Experience) don’t know how laterals experience is considered and valued in SAP however looking at Project Management and Service Management Experience and Certification that I hold the requirement holders may be also thinking that I bit heavy for them and that is reason why they don’t even touch me ... however considering my di heard wish to get into SAP I want to keep myself as flexible
Colleen I do agree that working smarter is need of time however by saying this bold statement I want to say that I open for best of my efforts considering the fact thatI not a big experienced professional in SAP
Waiting to hear from you on how should I go ahead … request you to guide me and show me the way ahead.
Thanks Aniket
2015 Sep 24 12:36 AM
HI Aniket
It's too late now but there is a saying that's it's always easier to get a job when you've already got one. Even if it's a job you don't like or you don't have much work for you. However, when you apply for jobs or interviews your future employee will think you are in demand/highly regarded at your current job. Gaps in resume can sometimes be red flags to recruiters (not all - I've taken a few months here and there off work)
My main recommendation is to get out and network with local market in your area and keep studying/learning on the side.
Read up and figure out your career pathway before your invest in anymore formal training. If you aren't working you might need to watch your fund a bit more closely.
Have a search on this space along with certification area where people have asked about career pathways. It doesn't need to be the same module/area of expertise as you but it can give you suggestions on how they went about it.
Practise where you can. You may not have access to a system but you can read through SCN questions and imagine how you would approach the solution. With your industry experience you can become smarter at translating system/functional requirements into business outcomes. One of the biggest disconnects I see in SAP industry are consultants getting caught up on the system/solution and forget about the people. If there is a problem, learn how to explain what the impact to the business is (cost, reputation, safety, so on) as opposed to need to do xyz and this transport or testing to get it fixed again.
Clean your resume up and tailor it for the specific job you are going for. Please do not embellish your resume as you will be found out (lot's of SCN discussions here).
Market yourself - if you aren't working then your new full time job is to find a job. Treat it like a workday and be productive. Keep a positive attitude and keep going.
You will have challenges as being between a fresher and an experienced person. The type of role that you go for will dictate this (again tailor resume for specific job). You might need to consider seeking jobs in finance industry as and end user where the company uses SAP. Build up transactional skills and then whilst you are in that job seek support or project roles as an experienced user (or super user).
Good luck with it all.
2015 Sep 24 7:14 AM
Hi Collen Thanks for your thoughts they have really made me relaxed and kind a hope has been built there is surely a sunshine somewhere. I have been reading on various topics (not only relating to my area) but also other for E.g. lot of stuff on HANA / Hybris / Success Factors ect .. Re networking yes i surely in contact will those who can help me get show way ahead. Just hope that my full time dedicated search and focused learning will help me find kind of job that I am looking for Tx once again Aniket
2015 Sep 26 7:23 AM
My friend the world is changing, and we neeed to adapt to it. Having done these courses does not mean a great job, and normally it could be the opposite. A lot of certifications do not hold up in the real world, becuase it is "practical" that business are looking for now. If I followed Prince2 in some organisations that I have worked in then I would have grey hair.
Review new technology and stay ahead of the game, and do not relax .... I learn SAP everyday of my life.
2015 Sep 26 8:35 AM
You have been a source of motivation for many. Thanks for your contributions!
2015 Sep 26 8:33 AM
In my opinion you have to choose between being a consultant (your module i.e. FI) or being a project manager. You donot have years of experience as a consultant, therefore market will force you to start as a fresher. If you take the PM route, then stick to jobs similar to your previous job. As a PM, it really doesnot matter what technology is the work being done in.
Breaking into SAP as a functional consultant will be difficult, as your age and experience will make you a mismatch in the entry level years. You have to keep your motivation as gathering learning, because you might not get money, praise etc. in these initial years.
How much experience do you have as an analyst / consultant? This role is different from a PM and if you do not have much experience then it makes it more difficult at this stage.