2011 Jul 12 6:50 PM
I have 5+ Years of Exp in IT Sales.
Worked with IT H/W OEMs like HCL & ACER.
Currently working with IT- System Integrater, this is also into Sales.
Looking for career in SAP - SD , Need complete details about the course and fees.
More importantly Placement details.
Wat can be the expected Salary on succesfull completion of the course.
Current Location : Chennai
2011 Jul 28 11:10 PM
You ask question that can`t be answered. At least no reliable answer can be provided.
Points: I don`t understand why would one hire you for SAP-SD. What relevant experience can you provide?
I must also point out that start the "potential career" with spending a huge amount of money for course that might not help, that could offer terrible quality only and no guarantee about placement (what the h... is this placement? I have never seen this outside India... and in India most of the promises are false anyway...).
So chose carefuly, that can improve or damage your life for next few years.
Cheers Otto