2008 Jan 09 2:44 PM
I am working in ABAP for the last 2 years. Now i like to switch over from ABAP. Please help me to find a suitable new area in SAP to work on?
Your suggestion will be appreciated.
2008 Jan 09 2:52 PM
Only done ABAP for 2 years and you're already tired of it ?!?! Wow! haha
A good area to get into is shoes....everyone needs shoes...you will always find work there. 😃
Seriously....it depends on YOU....what do you like? what areas do you feel comfortable in? what type of work/industry? etc. So asking such a broad question as you have done is likely to lead to sarcastic answers like the above. Sorry.
2008 Jan 09 4:34 PM
With such an impressive experience : Chief Technical Officer ?
As Christopher told you, you may get sarcastic answers...
Only YOU can answer this question !
2008 Jan 09 4:58 PM
I'm working 15 years with ABAP, after hours I'm thinking in terms like
SELECT beer FROM fridge WHERE label EQ 'Warsteiner'.
and I still enjoy it!!
What makes you want to switch?
2008 Jan 09 7:47 PM
Oh Thomas....after 15 years and you still make those silly syntax and performance mistakes......it should be....
SELECT beer INTO mouth FROM fridge WHERE label EQ 'Warsteiner' AND status EQ 'cold'.
2008 Jan 09 7:50 PM
2008 Jan 09 10:00 PM
2008 Jan 10 9:17 AM
Chris, you're right, warm beer is like selecting BSEG with no primary key...just awful
2008 Jan 10 9:18 AM
2008 Jan 10 11:51 AM
2008 Jan 10 2:39 PM
2008 Jan 10 7:25 PM
For important decisions, it is advisable to have a plan B as well
(one more ergonimic than the first so that the user is not left waiting, and waiting...):
if sy-tabix = 0
PERFORM get_dark_beer (z_other_fridge) USING nockherberg_maibock
Julius (uncertified hobby-ABAPer and short-dumper)
2008 Jan 10 7:33 PM
And for those who are a glutton for more ..................
if sy-tabix = 0
PERFORM get_dark_beer (z_other_fridge) USING nockherberg_maibock
enjoy 😃
2008 Jan 10 8:48 PM
This is somewhat complex, but covers most bases:
SELECT * FROM beerstore
WHEN able_to_walk.
READ TABLE beer INDEX beer_ix.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
beer_ix = beer_ix + 1.
WHEN able_to_stand.
READ TABLE beer INDEX beer_ix.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
beer_ix = beer_ix + 1.
WHEN able_to_sit.
READ TABLE beer INDEX beer_ix.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
beer_ix = beer_ix + 1.
WHEN able_to_crawl.
READ TABLE beer INDEX beer_ix.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
beer_ix = beer_ix + 1.
2008 Jan 10 10:15 PM
You read my thoughts; we definately need a CASE for Mike!
Perhaps some security in the FORM lest it become async for first time users and under 18's? (the other beer is anyhow cow <removed_by_moderator> so leave it with a SELECT if sy-tabix > 0)!
I will (as a quick fix) put a call to RZL_SLEEP in it with a DO. I will be back from the unit test in about 8 hours
@ Sa_R: An area which might interest you is to get closer to the business process behind your code and (an area which I personally find interesting) is the control and security aspects of coding business software, with business logic in it?
Cheers again!!
2008 Jan 10 10:30 PM
Let me know how the unit test goes Julius. A CASE would be to much for me, may need some PARAMETERS instead. There is also no need for a BREAK-POINT or DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES,
2008 Jan 10 10:47 PM
BREAK-REICHM is more ergonimic.
I am sure that you will not be the first to visit the Nockherberg and realize (afterwards) that a WAIT UP TO is not usefull with beer!
So, we need some security in there! 😃
I will try with a WHILE statement now.
My Tips&Tricks is set.
Here goes F8...
Good night!
2008 Jan 11 8:14 AM
now let's post this in "ABAP General" and ask why the code doesn't work as expected...
little anecdote on "beer in the US"...
I worked in Philadelphia many years ago. Went to a licquor store (special license) to buy three six-packs of beer (not just for myself, in case you wonder...). Attendant told me, by law I was only allowed to buy two six-packs per visit. I asked if it's OK if I buy two now, put them in the car, come back and buy another one. He said "no problem".
Somebody here from PA? is it still like that?
2008 Jan 11 11:07 AM
Hi there
I think a Persistent Class Object would have solved that
Call me->(get_multiple_beerorder).
returns order in cases which fit exactly on a Pallet for your inbound delivery.
(You did have a truck outside to collect the order I hope).
2008 Jan 11 11:25 AM
I grew up in Pennsylvania and my family still lives there. I don't even think you can buy 6 packs in a liquor store anymore. I think the only place you can buy a six pack is a bar, not even a beer store. I may be mistaken because I haven't lived there in about 15 years. You have to go to a beer distributor to buy cases, and a liquor store for all the hard stuff.
2008 Jan 11 12:58 PM
Hi Chris,
might have been a distributor, although the place didn't seem that large. But that was 1997 and my memory might got blurred (too much ABAP coding). Over in New Jersey by the way there weren't any problems like that. The differences in state law are quite funny sometimes.
All the best
2008 Jan 11 2:06 PM
And I thought I was the nerd!
I thought someone would pick up on the fact that I am checking the "ability" flags, but not setting them.
So maybe it does belong in ABAP General.
2008 Jan 11 4:45 PM
Man! We're all are getting geekier everyday...We should rename the site to SGD --> SAP Geek Network.
2008 Jan 11 4:55 PM
The question has been in ABAP General for as long as this one has been here.
Excuse my ignorance (I did search first!), but what is an ""ability" flag"?
Cheers and may your sy-dbcnt = 6 to kick the weekend off
2008 Jan 11 5:14 PM
@Julius - the "ability" flags were the variables in my program like "ability_to_walk", etc. I checked them, but never set them. So the program would only end when all of the beer was gone.
(I also meant that the program should be posted in ABAP general so that this sort of problem could be corrected.)
Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jan 11, 2008 12:15 PM
2008 Jan 11 7:25 PM
@Chris and @Thomas
Hi guys, I actually live in PA, about 2 hours directly west of Philly, so maybe I can answer this for you. Basically, you have three places to get alcohol in PA. First, all hard liquor and wine is sold only in what we call "state stores". These stores are run and regulated by the commonwealth of PA. I don't believe that you have such buying limit here, but most of these stores are not open on Sundays. Next you have beer distributors which is basically a beverage warehouse where you can get cases and kegs of beer, and cases of wine coolers, and in some cases, they carry soda as well. Again, no limit here. Next we have the bars and or quick stores(quick six is what we call it) The quick stores are the small stores where you run in and can get a six pack or a 40( if that is your taste ) and you can get wine coolers there as well. In either case, the buying a six pack at a bar, or at a quick store, you can only carry out two six packs at a time, and yes it is enforced. You can of course, but 4 at one time, but you must make two trips to bring it out of the store. Yes, I know, "what's the point" right? I have no idea. Anyway, this information is based on my experience about 10 years ago, so that 2 sixer rule may or maynot be in effect now.
Is anyone going to give this guy a serious answer?
Rich Heilman
2008 Jan 12 1:44 PM
> ... the program would only end when all of the beer was gone.
The business requirements might have specified exactly that and the QA of the program took it literally
How about QA as an idea for you Sa_R?
PS: I forgot, there was a special on yesterday:
PERFORM fairwell_party (z_other_fridge) USING bottles_of_bubbly
2008 Jan 14 11:55 AM
thanks for clarifying, it was a "quick store" then.
I think the gentleman received some serious answers in the identical thread in another forum.
ask a serious question in Coffee Corner, and see what happens...
Thomas Z.
2008 Jan 14 1:00 PM
>In either case, the buying a six pack at a bar, or at a quick store, you can only carry out two six packs at a time, and yes it is enforced. You can of course, but 4 at one time, but you must make two trips to bring it out of the store. Yes, I know, "what's the point" right? I have no idea.
To see the point you must try to get the intention of the lawmakers, not look at the effect of the law! Of course the intention was to keep people form buying more than two six-packs - but to keep geeky we could say that the specification was not complete
It would of course also be hopeless (some years ago) to enforce it by saying you can only buy two six-packs within a four hour timeframe as people would just drive to the next shop.
Then again, perhaps you meant "what's the point in trying to make people drink less, because it won't work" - but that's an entirely different discussion.
Here in Norway they used to make lot of laws to prevent people from drinking (too much), so to get a sale permit for alcohol for your restaurant you would have to sell food and people would have to buy food in order to buy alcohol. Clear intention - but another hopeless case of course. There would be one sandwhich sold repeatedly along with the beer, I assume they killed the sandwhich and got a new one when it was ready to start drinking on its own.
It is also illegal to buy a crossbow without a weapons permit here (and at least a while back they wouldn't issue any permits). However, crossbows work differently from ammunition guns for which most of the laws where made. Guns have a critical component (don't know the English name of it - but I believe it is the bolt) that can not be sold as a spare part without a permit either. There is no such critical component on a crossbow, so one could buy a crossbow by buying it as spare parts (take one or two parts off...).
Edited by: Kjetil Kilhavn on Jan 14, 2008 2:03 PM:
And we (developers) think we have a problem with users who try to sabotage our solutions...
2008 Jan 21 10:10 AM
Oh for goodness sake Rob. You need to implement an Ability object, using the state pattern.
( Apologies - can't be bothered to find out how to post code - it's on my todo list ).
SELECT * FROM beerstore
my_state = get_state( ).
IF my_state->do_behaviour( ) EQ leave.
2008 Jan 21 11:41 AM
code goes here
replace "k" with "c" inside the brackets, could not figure out how to put the markup visibly into the text...
reward beer if useful
2008 Jan 21 11:57 AM
2008 Jan 22 4:21 PM
Beers accordingly awarded. But since you didn't turn up, I drank them myself. And jolly nice they were too.
2008 Feb 01 9:40 AM
SELECT beer FROM fridge WHERE label EQ 'Warsteiner'.{/quote}You've been using it for 15 years and you still use hardcoded magic literals?
2012 Mar 08 2:18 PM
2012 Mar 08 2:53 PM
That was some very subtle thread-bumping, Thomas 😛
2012 Mar 08 3:33 PM
It just crossed my mind, what will happen to these old gems after the SCN migration, since I did not spot a Coffee Corner equivalent in the new structure yet.
We will find out...
2012 Mar 09 3:20 AM
Hummm! You are right!
Im increasingly getting uncomfortable about this new SCN. I still haven't figured out how to open a new thread there 😛
2012 Mar 20 8:44 PM
Thread errr discussion is still here, are we happy now?
2008 Jan 10 9:02 PM