2019 Jul 01 8:17 AM
I am Prayas Mahajan from Indore(M.P.).I have done Mechanical Engineer having 2.6 years experience as a PRODUCTION ENGINEER but now I want to switch my profile to SAP so kindly suggest me :
1. SAP is the right option for me? If yes then which module is best for me?
2. Could I get the good job in SAP, if I do the SAP course.
2019 Jul 01 10:35 AM
Our engineers work with project systems, so that is one option - see the SAP Learning Journey for Project Systems https://help.sap.com/doc/221f8f84afef43d29ad37ef2af0c4adf/HP_2.0/en-US/50068c4a7a261014ba35d1e6f6704...
You could also take the free OpenSAP courses and see what interests you - I recommend looking at S/4HANA and design thinking. Go to open.sap.com