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Embarking On A Career With SAP

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Hi. I am interested in looking at the possibility a career with SAP. To start off, I've been a Electronics Technician for 9 years and more than 3 years as a Electronics Design Engineer. Throughout this time I have been exposed to SAP as a user and I like SAP due to the ease of having information all in one place instead of everywhere else. In my technician years I've been exposed to Plant Maintenance Module and I have some exposure to Material Management Module as I often liaise with the materials department to clear issues with spares location and some other errors. As an engineer, other than using SAP to check stock and make purchases, I have also liaise with the Material Management Department to clear some parts issue.

I am looking to becoming a consultant one day. Is MM module I should go for? I have my concerns as I may not fully understand the process in the material department as I'm in the engineering field. Or is there an engineering module or something like that that is suitable for me? I thought SAP is good for consolidating and managing processes and tasks and I want to be an advocate for that.


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Your decision is correct regarding the career in SAP. But decide the which module you need to take whether MM or Plant Maintenace.. As far as Plant maintenace will suits you more rather than MM and also competition in SAP Market to make an entry in job market will be low for Plant maintance module campare to MM. So if you opt for SaP Module then do the ceritification from SAP AG because it will add the credit to your profile.

All the Best!!!




Active Participant
0 Kudos


Your decision is correct regarding the career in SAP. But decide the which module you need to take whether MM or Plant Maintenace.. As far as Plant maintenace will suits you more rather than MM and also competition in SAP Market to make an entry in job market will be low for Plant maintance module campare to MM. So if you opt for SaP Module then do the ceritification from SAP AG because it will add the credit to your profile.

All the Best!!!



0 Kudos


I agree with Nayeem.S.N, and do the certification in PM module.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Nayeem for your advice.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Can I ask what would be the challenge if I were to choose to do MM module instead of PM Module? Do I really need to come from the procurement department to succeed?

0 Kudos


I never meant that you should have the expereince from Purchase department. There is always have the requirement for the SAPMM module and also same time there is lot of competition because many Peoples from purchasing would like to do the SAPMM.

Asfor as SAP PM module you can see the requirement also but peoples inthat moudle is very less camparatively with SAP MM and also if you do Certification from Authorised SAP AG there may have chances for placements also for PM  with onceagain camparatively good because of less candidates in that module.


Finally whatever module you select for the Career, You should do your hardwork with 100% in order to acheive the sucess which is true moral of success here and also patience for the Learning.



0 Kudos

I would like to choose PM module if I can. However the course fees for PM Module are exorbitant. Furthermore it seems like PM is not so common in Singapore. So will working in the purchasing department for 1 year provide a better chance in getting a job? How long does it take to gain experience and understand the process in the Purchasing department?

0 Kudos


  Yes the course fees for SAP modules are very high and in this competitive market Certification in any Module is not a gurantee to Job. The basis of a Department in each organisation is same but how they go further and how they handle things ate different levels is depend on comapny to company so can't say how much time you have to give to learn everything in a Department. The more you work , the more experience you will get and your points/doubts/procedures will be cleared.

The important thing which i know and i have read on SCN is that first of all search for the Authorised training partners and enroll yourself for a course over there.And if you are in a job (which you are) never leave that for your side studies because as i said market is very competitve and you can't gurantee anything.

So if you want to wish for a course in PM/MM do it along with your job.

I'm giving a general suggestion.
