2008 Feb 27 10:14 AM
I am a senior system administrator (working on Windows 2003, Exchange and on firewall ISA 2006) for 6 years. Would like know whether to learn BASIS or Netweaver or Solution Manager?
If I need to learn BASIS, Do I need to know any database like SQL or ORACLE and to learn Netweaver do I need to know JAVA? I am not clear on how to go about SAP administration, Could any one help me on that?
2008 Feb 27 10:28 AM
Hello Sireesha,
Just to give you a heads up:
BASIS is a module in SAP which deals with system administration (which you already know).
Netweaver is comprehensive technologu integration platform and there are a lot of components in it like CRM, SRM, XI, EP, ECC and WAS (Web application server). No matter wchich component is used fromt eh above list, it has to sit on the WEB AS (WAS) platform.
ECC is the latest version of R/3. (it came after 4.7 for SAP).
So comming to your question, yes, you can learn courses on WAS component of Netweaver (that will make you a BASIS consultant).
Solution manager is now a days comming bundled with SAP. (of course license feee has to be paid for it to be used).
More and more people are using Solution manager right from implementation to support and monitoring purposes. So solution manager with WAS (BASIS) is an additional advantage.
Comming to JAVA, no you dont need to know JAVA. We talk about JAVA adminidtration tools (Visual Administrator [which is going out the door starting 7.1 version], and Config tool).
So there you go. You have th eground realities in front of you.
2008 Feb 27 10:28 AM
Hello Sireesha,
Just to give you a heads up:
BASIS is a module in SAP which deals with system administration (which you already know).
Netweaver is comprehensive technologu integration platform and there are a lot of components in it like CRM, SRM, XI, EP, ECC and WAS (Web application server). No matter wchich component is used fromt eh above list, it has to sit on the WEB AS (WAS) platform.
ECC is the latest version of R/3. (it came after 4.7 for SAP).
So comming to your question, yes, you can learn courses on WAS component of Netweaver (that will make you a BASIS consultant).
Solution manager is now a days comming bundled with SAP. (of course license feee has to be paid for it to be used).
More and more people are using Solution manager right from implementation to support and monitoring purposes. So solution manager with WAS (BASIS) is an additional advantage.
Comming to JAVA, no you dont need to know JAVA. We talk about JAVA adminidtration tools (Visual Administrator [which is going out the door starting 7.1 version], and Config tool).
So there you go. You have th eground realities in front of you.
2008 Feb 27 1:51 PM
Thank you Prashant for the answer,
If possible could you provide me the book names to know basics of SAP Netweaver.. (I have no clue on SAP BASIS) Can I directly learn SAP Netweaver, ...
2008 Feb 27 1:59 PM
You can buy books published by SAP Press. About learning it by yourself, i dont think thats a very good idea. Depending on your financial power, if you can spend around 2 Lakhs, SAP India, Siemens, Genovate and Dexler provide services in India.
But if that is not the kind of money you want to spend, there are other institutes. But you cant expect the kind of training you get from the above mentioned institutes.
2008 Feb 27 5:35 PM
You could check the following urls
SAP Netweaver Platform eLerning Catalog.
SAP Press Books
You could check the SDN (forums, blogs, etc),
2008 Mar 19 4:31 PM
definetly u join in basis..now iam a mca fresher me also doing the basis course..if u know abt little concept of database its enoughf to learn basis..
2012 Jan 27 7:49 AM