2014 May 12 5:32 AM
Dear All,
Greetings to you
I hope that you peoples could help me in selecting an appropriate module in SAP for me.
I completed my B.E in Electronics and Communication and have one year of experience in software development and data base management. I would like to switch my career in SAP, Basically i am very interested in Data base management and data analytic's. E'm completely new to SAP, Even don't no anything about SAP, But eager to learn & ready to spend more time to learn completely.
Kindly suggest me where to start, which module i best for career and good job opportunities in the market.
Any help you could provide would be graciously appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
2014 May 12 6:19 AM
Hi Dinesh,
basically there are two types of applications in sap, one is technical and another in functional. In technical side you will get ABAP, BASIS priorily. SAP ABAP is a fully coding side and in basis you will work on administration role.
On the other side there are many functional module like SD, MM, FI/CO etc etc.
If you are good in coding you can start your career as a abap consultant, later on you can move towards
SAP HANA platform which is a database technology, as it is not mandatory to learn abap prior to HANA, so you can also take a move towards hana directly.
However, there are tools like BW/BI where you can also make your career, but i will suggest you to search on Google for major modules in sap and based on your interest you can choose a better option yourself more wisely rather than asking to others.
2014 May 12 6:19 AM
Hi Dinesh,
basically there are two types of applications in sap, one is technical and another in functional. In technical side you will get ABAP, BASIS priorily. SAP ABAP is a fully coding side and in basis you will work on administration role.
On the other side there are many functional module like SD, MM, FI/CO etc etc.
If you are good in coding you can start your career as a abap consultant, later on you can move towards
SAP HANA platform which is a database technology, as it is not mandatory to learn abap prior to HANA, so you can also take a move towards hana directly.
However, there are tools like BW/BI where you can also make your career, but i will suggest you to search on Google for major modules in sap and based on your interest you can choose a better option yourself more wisely rather than asking to others.
2014 May 12 7:51 AM
Hi Sanjeev
Thanks for the information, yes i started to research about which module to choose
Once again thanks.
2014 May 12 6:31 AM
Hi Dinesh,
As you are from technical background, an engineer actually , I would suggest you to go for BI/BW. Also, you have more interest in database related thing, so you can later go for BI/BW with HANA as HANA is the future. All the best for your new career
Shahir Mirza
2014 May 12 7:52 AM
If you have D.B Knowledge like Oracle/Sql then prefer SAP BO , & Good at coding prefer BI/BW .
2014 May 12 7:59 AM
Hi Seshu
Thanks for your response, E'm good in MySQL n SQL Databases, but fair n Coding. so let me which one is initial level for start ups whether SAP BO or BI/BW. if possible brief me about both.
Thanks in advance
2014 May 12 8:15 AM
Preferred is SAP Bo as you have D.B Knowledge.
BI/BW : Data will be in the form of cube ( Multi dimensional ) . In Bi ABAP code is necessary upto 30% it might vary depending on Business.
Here mostly data source will be sap .
BO : Data will be in the form of table's (Two Dimensional) , Here what ever data available in table's it will be shown in form of sql .
Here data source will be SAP & Non SAP (Oracle/Sql).
For more INFO Refer Below doc :
SAP Business Intelligence and SAP Business Objects
2014 May 12 8:59 AM
Hi Seshu
Thanks for the information, i do refer with the link it help me out to understand the concept behind
business object(BO).
2014 May 12 9:07 AM
Hi Dinesh,
In taking up anything as a career , interest matters the most...so as per your interest...BI/BW/BO ..suits you the most,,,,,and it has very good market . Also you can go for HANA .
as far as your query is concerned ,,,,you should start with BW/ BI and then move to BO.
2014 May 12 9:53 AM
Hi Sera,
The information which u provided was wonderful, i also decided to start with BW/BI alone. can u kindly suggest me which one is best like classroom or online training, if classroom mean let me any reputed institutes if its possible.
Thanks in advance.
2014 May 12 10:03 AM
hi Dinesh....
classroom is the way to go..as per me. However , choose your institute very wisely especially if you are in Bangalore. There are plenty of frauds around. So, Please attend a few demos and try to get in touch with students who are already part of the institute for feedback and then make a decision and only then you will be benefited learning wise as well as financially.You can also choose the SAP partners who provide certification however that will be very costly,