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Courses to take to become a superuser

Former Member
0 Kudos

After lurking around a bit more and reading a ton of these forums, I've decided the next step is to become a superuser.  I can give my company a proposal for classes and attend them, but I need to know which classes.  I will be dealing mainly with MM, PP, IM, and WM modules.  Any suggestions?  Our SAP guy has recommended the following classes, but other than the internet one they are not offered any time soon:

  • TERP50
  • SCM300
  • PLM115
  • SCM340

Are there any other suggestions?


Former Member
0 Kudos

sorry, not IM module, just the others

Former Member
0 Kudos

Michael.. I am sure there may be a 1 or more project Lead/ Technical Manager who will be supervising you...  for multiple modules...

I would suggest get an on the Job the Training for Super User under them.....,,,,,this will expose you for more practical exposure....