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Choosing Carrier

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

I am Working as ABAPER, and I Never Had a Opportunity to Work in Webdynpro, Nor  Business Workflow, But My Organisation Provides me Implementation,

But I had a Offer to Work in Reputed Organisation and they Offered to Work in the Webdynpro, Business Workflow  with the Less Package Compared to Market and More Compared to My Current Package .

And I Already Worked in Re- Implementation, Moved the Data's from One Server to another Server using BDC, Worked in Snote, Created many Developments.

Many Said that my Hike will be based on Current Package ?

Can anyone Suggest me Implementation  will help my Carrier ? or Reputed Organisation with Good package had a Exposure to work in Webdynpro,

Business Workflow and  CRM  will Enchance my Carrier ?




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Venkat

Is your concern of problem that you are getting new skill and more money but the money is not the average of the industry for that skill? Remember, average will consider those you are freshers through to the 10+ year experienced experts. If you are new to the area, it sounds like it would be reasonable for you to earn less than the average.

In terms of types of work - project based implementations and support - if you were to have a search of the careers space you will see a lot of freshers and others say how difficult it is to get an opportunity in those areas

You have mentioned that you are doing ABAP currently but have not mentioned how many years. Years in the job will have a correlation with pay rates. I'm also assuming here that if you are not a fresher you may have less than 5 years experience. Apologies if I'm wrong.

You have also mentioned this is a reputable company to work for. Based on your summary you are getting new skills and training and reputable company which benefit your job opportunities, possibly job security as that company will have work for you and make your resume move to the top of the pile. Additionally, the reputable company will most likely enable you to continue to learn the new products and continue to diversify. The trade off for this appears to be the money.

My motto with work is to always chase the skill set and reputation. Chasing money alone is a risk as you lose track of the market and may find yourself with redundant skills. Long term, the skills and experience will pay off.

Good luck with making your decision and your future work opportunities.



0 Kudos

Hi Colleen,

Thankyou for Replying, I have 3 years of Exp Worked in ( 1 Upgradation, 1 Reimplementation, 1 Implementation Support, and 5 Support Projects ) In Manufacturing Industires, Kindly clarify my Doubts,

Except  the Company i got the offer, every company is asking Implemetation Exp, But my Point of view , According to Reimplementation Exp ( I passed the Data from Old Server to fresh New Server using BDC,  Done Userexit, Badi, Snote  and many zreports) is their anything to gain the Knowledge on  E2E  Implementation ?

I already Worked on SD, MM,PP,FI/CO Moudules.

Kinldy suggest me Implementation Support My Carrier For Longterm goal (Any thing new to learn ? )  or working in New Areas  which  i never had worked before ?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Venkat

Experience is not a check list but a continual learning process. Just because you have done something once is not enough. Less than 5 years experience is an indication of a junior/fresher level. With 3 years experience is does seem like you have done a lot of small or short projects - this is not a bad thing at all.

The other indicator of experience is the number and types of implementations you have done. End to End Implementation does count quite a bit to show that you are going through all of the project phases and starting in the  Development system through to Production. Other types of projects are the green fields (build production from scratch) vs the technical upgrades vs increase scope of functionality. All of them have different challenges and experience to obtain.

There is always something to learn and when you go to a new project it can include new way of work, different system, changes to business process. It is also a way to network and meet new colleagues who one day may ask for you to join their projects, etc.

I think you should weigh up your options on a career (not carrier) change based on what are you currently doing now and compare to the new opportunity: what will you gain versus what will you lose.

I hope this clarifies your concern as I am still unsure what your concern is? End of the day there is always something new to learn (and sometimes projects can teach you the valuable lesson of what not to do) but it will not be handed to you on a silver platter or spoon fed. You have to look at each job and find the opportunity yourself for a successful career.



0 Kudos

Hi Colleen,

Thankyou for Replying Me, I was bit  confused of Current Market trends, and my Packages.

Know i cleared that Implementation Plays a Major role in Career .  thankyou.

