2013 Dec 17 4:50 PM
hello every one,
i want to do certification can any one give me the details?
thanks in advance
2013 Dec 17 5:37 PM
Hello Krishna
ABAP Certification test is basically:
As you can see isn't easy, we have a lot of questions and have a relatively short time to answer them: 2 minutes per question. To be successful it is very important to know how this test is divided to ballance your efforts in the study.
The proof is basically divided into three parts:
Details for each part:
1) Conceptualize complex processes in key solutions for customers (40%)
Based on professional and advanced application qualifying examination, means performing the part of the Blueprint, where customer requirements are mapped and processed in the Blueprint, which will set all that will be done. Thinking in ABAP side, we have:
SAP training for this:
2)Creating solutions independently studying ways of implementing valid (40%).
Here it is checked whether the candidate has a deep understanding and great technical skills and can transform requirements into real solutions. This topic that most of us will be easier to answer, but we can't think that we have to study less. Thinking in ABAP side, we have:
SAP Training
3) Deploy solutions to tasks defined in the project (20%).
This part will be evaluated if the candidate has thorough knowledge and basic understanding to identify what are the tasks that can be performed during the phases of deployment, configuration and testing in the areas of:
SAP training
As you can see, its not too easy but its possible
2013 Dec 23 3:26 AM
2013 Dec 17 5:50 PM
HI Krishna,
Please click this Training and Certification Shop its explain every thing, i hope you get an idea.