2015 Oct 03 11:02 AM
Dear All,
This is Raj, a Mechanical Engineer working in oil & gas EPC projects for 15 years as a Project Manager ..Now, I am looking for a career change to SAP.
Is it a right decision to look into SAP career without any prior IT experience.?
I have come across various SAP Modules like SAP PS and SAP PPM and SAP IS Engineering and Construction and SAP MM, SAP Oil & Gas and I would like to join a course where my previous experience will help at same time find job at mid level.
I have core Engineering, Procurement and Project Management and Risk management experience in oil and gas EPC projects.
I attached my profile and I would like to have serious guidance.
2015 Oct 04 8:25 AM
you can go for SAP IS Oil.
It has a lot of demand in Middle East Oil Companies.
You can work on one project of SAP IS oil and then you can shift as a Project Manager for IS Oil Projects as you have related previous experience.
All the Best.