2021 Mar 11 10:07 AM
Hello All,
I have a 4 years of experience working as a Application developer. I had my initial training in SAP ABAP when I joined the my first company, but then I got my first project in SAP UI5 as frontend and Node JS as backend, I worked on that project for 2 years.
I went on to get certified in SAP fiori development.
Then I again got a project for SAP UI5 for one more year.
But due to lack of work in SAP ui5, I had to work on SAP low code platform with sap OData as backend.
Then I switched to different company, here as well i have been given SAP cloud API Management developer role.
So now I'm SAP Abap and SAP UI5 certified. I'm also planning for SAP cloud platform development certification.
I wanted to know if this frequent change of technical skills is good for my career or I should focus on anyone technical skill.
I always want to be a solution architect. What should be my approach to achieve my goal.
2021 Mar 11 10:18 AM
Change is good in my view; I think the ability to be cross functional is important.
Regarding becoming a solution architect, have you take the free Open SAP Course "An Enterprise Architect’s View on SAP Business Technology Platform" at https://open.sap.com/courses/ea2
It is very good; I recommend taking it and see if this is the type of work that appeals to you.
2021 Mar 11 10:31 AM
Thank you so much for your input Tammy.
I will go through the course.
2021 Mar 14 2:01 AM
Hi umeshmudaliar
I think you are set on right track. A full stack developer is some one who can a skilled person who can work on Back-end Technology, Front-end technology, Database, API and Middleware technologies. So if you pick up skills in all of these areas, you could be in high demand. I had a colleague in my team in SAP who came with a basic ABAP development skills in backend and is now well on the way to this course.
Thanks & Regards
Sanil Bhandari
2021 Mar 14 6:16 AM
Thank you so much sir for your guidance.
I will try my best to make myself proficient in all those technologies.
Umesh Mudaliar.