2016 Jan 05 5:07 AM
Hi All
As part of kicking of 2016 Careers space I thought it would be good to open up threads to discuss job functions that we don’t hear much about. Many new members come to this space wanting to know about Technical or Functional career paths for a specific modules.
The first discussion I thought to open up for the year is that of the Test Manager. I would love to hear your thoughts and views on this job profile. If you happen to be an experienced Test Manager you might want to write a blog about your experience and tips (if someone has already published one, only write yours if you have something different to add). For everyone else, we may find ourselves wearing the hat of a tester for time to time.
Here’s some questions/areas that as inspiration to discuss:
Happy discussing
2016 Jun 28 10:20 PM
I believe a day at this position (Analyst) is one of the important position as a correspondent to the business. I, myself, would like to be considered a Analyst. But being some what new to the configuration/implementation side. I can't do nothing but to study scenarios after scenarios. My question, What would be the expectations for a beginner who has a background as a End user, who has studied and took a course in SAP MM/FI.
Thank you