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Career Advise after 6 Years of ABAP Exp?

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Hi All,

Could you please suggest me after ABAP , what is next step to enhance the SAP skills by considering all the SAP technologies?

Techno-Functional Consultant?

80 % Functional?

Any other Technical Platform? Webdynpro?PI? BI? HANA?

I am too confused to step up next level in SAP. Appreciate all your comments and suggestions.




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Appreciate all your comments and suggestions.

We appreciate if you post this thread in Suggestions and comments forums.

Anyways Moderators can(will) do the same.

Being an ABAP consultant for 6 years,you should be able to decide your future.

Didnt you get a chance in between to learn any new technologies like Web dynpro,workflow or BI ?

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Thanks for your kind Suggestion and i will do the same.

I covered RICEFW , ALE , Idoc . But still want to reach some extra mile apart from this and levarage my skill set.

Depends on projects the scope of my learning was always limited.

Waiting for forward thinking projects.



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Let`s put it this way: there are so many ABAPers, that it is nothing special to be one. I am also one, so I am talking about my own experience. So there is no way to step up and say: I want to change my jobs. Either your boss or customer or whoever might not have understanding for that. So in my opinion the field change/ professional career course change is more a matter of opportunity than a cold-blooded decision.

Or you can pick freely?


0 Kudos

Hi Otto,

Thanks for sharing your own experience. Over a period of time, as an ABAPer , the confidence will be built like " I can do anything" . But when it comes to realistic efforts, we always think that we should speed up the things like learning new skills and update our technical background as strong as we can.

Here the Pressing point is "how much of traditional ABAP skill level we can get extent"?

I started Career with 3.0 H version and currently working for ECC 6. Since custom development getting reduced (to be my knowledge ) from ABAP perspective, i started thinking to pick up some other area (confused) in SAP to become a Architect and will explore the real essence of SAP integration with all the modules.

I have gone through your web page and it's helpful to understand the evolution of career in SAP. I appreciate your support.



Active Contributor
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Here the Pressing point is "how much of traditional ABAP skill level we can get extent"?

Depends on what word "traditional" means to you. One can`t spend his life writing reports and queries for years:))

It would also be beneficial if you help us understand your job. You already got one of the important questions above: after 6 years you must have experienced different flavors of ABAP. BW, workflow, WDA, BSP... So you might be already familiar with some of the topics or feel for some. It also depends on the support from your superior and overall support of education or career course change in your company. It also depends if new projects will be started in bear future where you can learn new things from colleagues, start from scratch (write a simple WDA report is not so different and is available for the beginner as well, I tried...).

Another important thing is your position in the team. Are you a leader? A senior guy? A respected member of the team? That can improve your chances to move somehwhere else if you have the powers to make decisions. If that is not your case, you should apply for such position in the field you know before moving somewhere else. This way you should be able to advance your career with less effort and risk involved than in a brand new area.

I have gone through your web page and it's helpful to understand the evolution of career in SAP.

Which web page do you mean? If you didn`t see that yet, take a look at my blogs here on SDN, some are career related. And of course ABAP related.


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Taken decision to move up with BI self-learning. Thanks for all your support.

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So what you have done after ABAP ? me also on same way...!!! I'm also trying to shift from ABAP ??? Please share your footprint...