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Better modules to learn subsequent to SD

Former Member
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Hi All,

I am SD certified cosultant with 3 years of experience.

I would like to scale myself in terms of skill and update myself on new module that are related and scaleable in future.

could anybody recommend the better module where there are more learning and oppurtunities on a newer platform.

could any body comment on modules like CRM,PS,MM

thank you very much.


Former Member
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Hi Varada,

First my suggestion is Try to spend some year in SD because as per views 3 years are not sufficient.

SD itself is an ocean, there are so many things is SD.

If you dont belive me then regular visit on SDN and try to answer the other's question. You will definetly found many new things.

But if you still want to do some other module then regarding that my suggestion is little different.

Go for BW (Business Information warehouse), I have seen SD+BW is a very good combination and people are withdrawing very good amount.

Another one is CRM or IF you have finance back ground then FICO.



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Hi Varada Rajan,

Good to know that you are aiming high.

Apart from given options I would think to have good grip on ABAP is always value added to an SD guy. As you might have seen that, most of the functional guys take help of developer help even though it is a small thing to do. I would not say that SD guy should do everything as a developer does. But if you have good knowledge in ABAP you can fix many small routine issue that come across in your daily SAP tasks.

Another lucrative option is APO. Especially DP and SNP is more relevant for an SD guy.

Good Luck.

Br, Sats.

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It is better to Switch to PS, becase it has very high integration with R/3 and you will get Sound knowledge on other modules like

MM. FI, CO and PP if you explore PS

In my opinion learning MM and FI is of no use, because if you start learning FI it will take much long time to gain expertise. There are limited Resources on PS module which is having very bright future in coming years as it is a Part of PLM

As in Monetary terms, PS consultants will get more pay other than any Guys

Before taking a decision, it is the interest in you which should be preferred first



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