2014 Apr 08 7:45 AM
Hi Team,
I have completed my mba with it as my specalization from pune university.
Am having sap end user expercence with Infosys bpo for 18 monts
And currently working with wipro technology as unix system admin since past 1 year.
So please help me out that which module will suit for my profile .
Waiting for positve response <<30-odd Exclamation Marks Removed>>
Thanking you in advance<<30-odd Exclamation Marks Removed. Caps Lock removed.>>
<<Personal Information Removed>>
Moderator Message: Maintain a professional means of communication in this forum and search before you post.
Message was edited by: kishan P
2014 Apr 08 7:55 AM
2014 Apr 08 10:47 AM
Hi Dev,
Thanks for your vital suggestions<<Dots Removed>>
Bit i had more interest in Sap Basis , sap ps, sap ppm.
Can you brief on this<<Exclamation Marks Removed>>
Message was edited by: kishan P
2014 Apr 08 8:01 AM
2014 Apr 08 10:44 AM
Hi Seshu,
Really thanking you for your valveable suggestions<<Dots Removed>>
Can you brief me more on basis.
Message was edited by: kishan P
2014 Apr 08 10:55 AM
Go through Back to Basis. once .
Provides valuable info of Basis including materials also.
2014 Apr 08 11:01 AM
2014 Apr 08 8:07 AM
Hi Deepak,
for your kind information, there are so many modules available in sap that it is practicably unfair to choose for you without knowing your expertise and interest. As you have done MBA, so you can choose CRM module too.
But i will suggest you to ask yourself in which sector you finds yourself more convenient because i don't think anyone can guess on behalf of you without being with you. So , i will advise you to search on google or SCN for major sap modules, and read about the processes involved into it. And based on your passion you can make a choice yourself better than this.
If you can provide about your experience and expertise along with your interest, then we can make some good choices for you.
2014 Apr 08 10:41 AM
Hi Sanjeev,
I really appreciate your views but my intrest is in Sap basis ,SAP PS, SAP PPM.
So please kindly suggest according to it as am some what confused with this<<Dots Removed>>
Thanks for your valveable suggestions<<Exclamation Marks Removed>>
Message was edited by: kishan P
2014 Apr 08 10:59 AM
Hi Deepak,
please understand one thing more, as compared to sap basis there are less exposure in the fields of SAP PS, and SAP PPM, that means you will have more job options in sap basis, as all those companies who implements sap must retain a basis consultant to measure their administration.
And if you can search on google or can visit any nearest sap authorized sap training center for better career guide in any module. As i am a technical consultant so, don't know much more regarding sap basis.
2014 Apr 09 5:03 AM
Hi Sanjeev,
Thks for your all help and support that you had given such a good description. I really appreciate it.