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Former Member
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I have completed CO certification, the offers i am getting are 1/5th of the salary i am getting presently.

What should i do,should i join at low salary or wait for good offers.




Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Pankaj,

Salary should not be the only criteria for accepting any job offers. It is advisable to consider the following points while accepting the job offer:

1. Why are you looking for change? What is actually triggering you to look out for opportunities?

2. What value the new job is going to add to your profile and career?

3. What are your career goals or aspirations?

4. Is this new job helping you to reach closer to those career goals?

5. At last, are they offering the salary justifying your current profile and their proposed career road map for you?

Get the answers for all the above questions for yourself and I am sure you would be able to make the right decision. If you are not satisfied with the compensation which your current employer is offering, please speak to HR or your manager and justify the reasons for pay rise. You can always persuade the employer to give you the increament if you are adding value to the current system.


Shanu Patil.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Pankaj,

You mention you have now got CO certification but you don't mention what job you are doing now and what jobs you are going for.

Also, do you expect your certification should directly increase your salary?



0 Kudos

Hi Gareth and Sanjeev

i am presently working as finance manager and now want to work as ERP consultant.

Even as a finance manager 50% of the time we work on erp improvements.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Pankaj,

i am agree with Gareth, untill you will explain about your present work , it would not be justificable to say anything, and if money is a matter then it also becomes  crucial to explain.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

1/5th . Its too much low.

As of my opinion, you should wait for other offers.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Pankaj,

Salary should not be the only criteria for accepting any job offers. It is advisable to consider the following points while accepting the job offer:

1. Why are you looking for change? What is actually triggering you to look out for opportunities?

2. What value the new job is going to add to your profile and career?

3. What are your career goals or aspirations?

4. Is this new job helping you to reach closer to those career goals?

5. At last, are they offering the salary justifying your current profile and their proposed career road map for you?

Get the answers for all the above questions for yourself and I am sure you would be able to make the right decision. If you are not satisfied with the compensation which your current employer is offering, please speak to HR or your manager and justify the reasons for pay rise. You can always persuade the employer to give you the increament if you are adding value to the current system.


Shanu Patil.

0 Kudos

Hi Shanu

very tough 5 questions. i think if we know the answer to these 5, we would be on top of career. it is a perfect 5. thank you very much.


0 Kudos


Glad to hear that, then try answering them and your question will be answered.



0 Kudos

Ok 1/5th?? And tell me what is your expectation??

First of all thank your self you got an opportunity rather than grieving over the fact your salary is low.  Many certified candidates are here and there loitering like anything for just an opportunity ready to work at any salary. So dont keep very big expectations after all you are in India.
You don't take the opportunity some one else will. Mark my words!!
In country like India, where 10:1 is the ratio prevalent in job markets for candidates and no of positions and a domain like SAP there is no question, employers will leave no stone un-turned  to exploit the freshers. And many of us , infact all those are looking for a break in SAP have accepted this scenario and compromised.  But once you are done being fresher and earn badge of  experienced, then you are ready to play your game.

So land yourself  asap  and gather experience, as nothing can beat experience but every thing beats you when you are fresher, see you certification is also a piece of paper now unable to save you at the moment.  I hope you get my point...

Rest, other experts have  already told you

0 Kudos

Hi Aparajit

you are right. there is difference in fresher and experienced in every field. i have lot of finance experience , but my present finance experience is not helping me in erp consultancy field. but i still think that top finance experience + sap certification would be perfect combination.

