2013 Aug 21 9:56 AM
Dear All,
I am a B.Tech (ECE), 2010 passout. Since, two years im working as an Engineer in Operations and Planning Department for a Dredging company. Now i would like to switch this job. So, please suggest me which SAP module is best for a good career in SAP.
2013 Aug 26 9:25 AM
HI ,
Since you have worked in Planning Department so I would Suggest go to SAP APO.
2013 Aug 28 4:28 PM
Hello MaheshBabu,
Congratulation first of all for deciding to SAP. SAP has many modules with great career opportunity.
Based on your experience i would suggest yes as said in earlier reple APO along with that PP and MM and QM will be also you can peruse.
Ask question yourself what you best liked about Operations and Planning Department experience since you have experience working there. What ever answer comes closure like PP,MM,QM or APO choose that one.
It is not necessary to peruse the same SAP module you can pretty much learn any SAP module and work on it.
Best regards
2013 Aug 30 6:45 AM
Dear Sir,
One of my relative working as a Basis, Senior Consultant, he advised me to join in Basis as i am from ECE background. Im in lot of confusion whether there is lot of job opportunities in this tool. Please request you to tell me about SAP basis pros and cons.
2013 Aug 30 4:19 PM
Hi Mahesh,
I can understand your dilemma. First of all dont be confused SAP Basis is very lucrative career option and you can learn the same but consider you will be fresher and you need to put lot of hard work and dedication to be successful.
I would suggest do not predict future as you never know what is there in future so no technology can guarantee you anything you want. Our job is to learn learn n keep going so i don't see any cons in SAP Basis. Several people will have different opinion about different technology for example if you meet an doctor he will say Medicine is good, Lawyer will say criminology is good, Engineer will say Mechanical is good, A CPA is will accounting is good, can everyone become all of them,?can we follow their path?
The answer is No because we choose our own path based on our capabilities and liking. So be confident what you wanted to do if your choice is Sap Basis then peruse it with passion you will be successful.
refer below thread and also explore some more thread.
Good Luck
2013 Aug 30 6:49 AM
Hi MaheshBabu
I suggest HANA for you. SAP HANA have a very promising future.
From some sources, the Average SAP Hana Consultant Salary in United States: $110000+
Because other modules already have a lot of people, get a good salary is not so easy...
Please serach
'SAP HANA Training and Certification - Lead the Way' in the https://training.sap.com/us/en/certification/
2013 Aug 30 6:57 AM
Dear Sir,
One of my friend suggested me SAP HANA will be there for short span after that there will be no jobs in this module. I request you to help me out on this. My friend also suggested me to learn SAP Basis as i am from Electronics and Communication background. Could you please tell me about this job opportunities and security.