2011 May 04 1:19 PM
Hi guys,
I searched the forum, Wiki and articles on SDN but couldn´t find a How-To pdf or something else for beginner.
Does somebody has an reference to a good ABAP beginner source which explains a lot?
Thank you in advance!
2011 May 04 1:24 PM
I recommend a good book (e.g. by SAPPress "Discover ABAP") or the BC400 course by SAP (if the name hasn't changed in the meantime...)
2011 May 04 1:24 PM
I recommend a good book (e.g. by SAPPress "Discover ABAP") or the BC400 course by SAP (if the name hasn't changed in the meantime...)
2011 May 04 1:31 PM
Thanks I read the comments at Amazon. It sounds good.
But any suggestions for sources on SDN?
2011 May 04 1:35 PM
There is a few links about "getting started with ABAP", you might get lucky while browsing around from this starting point.
2011 May 09 11:10 AM
Hey there saplaz
The first thing I would suggest is that you get a NetWeaver installation in a VM locally to play with.
Download the latest version here (v7.02 64bit)::
Or maybe (v7.01 32 bit):
No need to DL MaxDB or another DB separately, it will be included in these two downloads.
Once you have the archive extracted, look under the documentation folder for the index.html... there is also some valuable information about the installation.
Follow this 3 part series on how to install it (this series is for 7.01 though...):
Have a look at this series of ABAP blog posts - The full monty:
Start of series:/people/glen.spalding/blog/2010/04/13/the-full-monty--overview
(This series is aimed at the novice)
More ABAP info here:
Hope that helps!
2011 May 11 9:23 AM
Thanks a lot. I am convinced tha your suggestions will help me as a beginner. I don´t need to develop but to understand a little bit more about ABAP.