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ABAP Beginner

Former Member
0 Kudos


I am new to the SAP world. I have been a web developer so far. Very keen on knowing what i could learn in SAP. I think ABAP is what I would be interested.

Please could anybody give me some info about where to start? I need to probably install some tool for ABAP.

Not sure what to install and how I could get myself started with this.

While browsing I also came across ABAP Tutor, something to install. SAP Solution Composer.

Please could somebody guide me with this, so I could get started.




Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Just download the newest Java JDK (maybe even JRE would suffice) and start installing. The process is not complicated and very straigtforward, also very well documented. There is nothing to fear of.

Only one last advise: if I were you, I would download some virtualization stuff (like Virtualbox) trial Windows (for example trial win server) and use these for first attempts. once you know what to expect, you can install it on your machine without any complications with removing the unsuccessful installations and stuff:))

Good luck,

regards Otto


Former Member
0 Kudos


First of all read theis thread and the blogs by Otto Gold mentioned in this thread.

Also just search this forum for ABAP beginner you would get plenty of information.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


read the blog (or look for some more by me or the other guys - search works well!) and come ack with more specific questions. We can help.

Regards Otto

p.s.: the more pieces of information you provide about yourself and your goals the more specific help you can get

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you very much.

I already have 'SAP Front End' installed on my PC. I am not sure if I can work on ABAP now?

Would it be possible to install SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 Developer Edition

System Requirements seems a little complecated for me,

SAP NetWeaver 7.01 ABAP Developer Edition System Requirements:

1.JRE 1.4.2.x for Installation

2.Operating System: Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2) or Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista (english)

3.Hostname must not exceed 13 characters

4.NTFS-File systems

5.Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher or Firefox 1.0 or higher

6.At least 1 GB RAM (recommended 2-8 GB)

7.Intel Pentium III/1.1 GHz or higher (or compatible)

8.30 GB hard disk space temporary during installation - 22 GB permanent

9.High-resolution monitor (1024x768 or higher, 256 colors)

10.Make sure that no other SAP system is installed on your computer

11.The SAP system requires serveral ports for communication services. Therefore the file %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\services must not include an entry for the ports 3200, 3600 and 8000. A possible entry can be excluded by using the hash symbol (#)

12.If no DHCP server is available on your network (which dynamically determines the IP address) or your computer is not connected to any network, you need to install the virtual interface adapter MS Loopback Adapter. The procedure to install a loopback adapter is documented within the download package

What does this mean "JRE 1.4.2.x for Installation" would my PC at work, qualify for the installation? I have Windows Vista. Intel Centrino.

Please could somebody get back with me with my questions. I want to be able to install the trial version and jump into the learning curve of ABAP developement. Would that be very complicated to do it on my work Laptop? Is it better to install on my Personal Laptop?

Thank you

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Just download the newest Java JDK (maybe even JRE would suffice) and start installing. The process is not complicated and very straigtforward, also very well documented. There is nothing to fear of.

Only one last advise: if I were you, I would download some virtualization stuff (like Virtualbox) trial Windows (for example trial win server) and use these for first attempts. once you know what to expect, you can install it on your machine without any complications with removing the unsuccessful installations and stuff:))

Good luck,

regards Otto

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you all for your suggestions.
