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a bench Resource ?

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Folks,

i am SAP consultant  with 1.6 years of Exp. I have Joined as fresher i was not involved in any work till date. i just imroved knowledge by practicing IDES.

i am totally frustrated with My daily routine job of IDES and SCN. i am desparately looking for Work In SAP. Can Any Body Sujjest Me How i can Gain Real Time Experiance in SAP. I can Not Change My Job Becuse for 1.6 there is not Much  Openings in Market.




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Venkat

are you actually employed at the moment? Are you being paid to keep training yourself?

what is your skillet and what have you been trying to do to raise your profile and be more marketable? If you are employed have you had discussions with your team leader for advise?

when the market is bad sometimes you just have to be patient and wait for improvement. it is good to hear you are continuing to practise



0 Kudos

Hi Collen Lee,

thank you for the Immediate response. currently i am working with a small company as PP consultant. i have discussion with my lead.... but wait untill get a new project....

can you sujest any way to get hands on exp in sap . apart from ides and scn.

Thank you..

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

It sounds like you are in a pretty good position for bad market. Having your employer keep you on the bench until they find a client is lucky. I have known a few places where 2 weeks on the bench with no customer in site could mean redundancy

Perhaps talk to your manager again to see if new project on the horizon. Also find out if it's your skill they cannot place or just in general. If it's PP that is quiet then start cross skulking in another module to diversify (PM or I'm).

keep patient and use this time well as once you are on a customer you will not have the time to research what you don't know. Prepare yourself with knowledge for your next opportunity



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

for something constructive to do on SCN: you could go through all your open questions and close them out with the solution

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


if your very interested to work on real system then you can drop  mail about it to your manager or HR department.

if there is any development project then they can assist you to sit with them and watch or based on your skills, may allow to work on dev system no issues to allow you.

But not sure, its total depend on project manager decision to allow or not to work along with his team.


0 Kudos

Hi ramanjaneyulu Garu,

thank you for the Reply.. my company is very small and just running some BI related Issues....



0 Kudos

Other wise get or ask the issues which your existing sap team working on.

same issue you can replicate at IDEAS system and work on it.

it might helps you improve your skills as well.

Other wise do some dummy project on ideas system and will keep on working.

will make you more strength at your subject.

On SCN there are lot of documents/blogs are exist.

Try to implement at your idea system and keep on practice.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Venkat,

Since you are already working in an organization we can't help you get work there! Sitting on a bench can be a frustrating period. We have all gone through it some time or the other.

Instead of sitting and waiting on projects, you must utilize this time to expand your horizon in SAP. You may be a PP consultant, but that shouldn't stop you from knowing other integration areas in SAP. Having a fair bit of idea on other modules like MM, SD, FICO will help you understand all the integration points in SAP. You don't have to be a master in these areas, but having a fair understanding will do you good.

What can also do is interact with colleagues who are working on projects and sit with them and see how they work/resolve issues. That will help you get an insight on how things work in real-time. Once you gain their confidence, maybe you can ask them if you can let them work on some low-priority tickets while they watch over what you do...
