If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why? Never get tired, no need to sleep and be able to live more: work more, enjoy my family more, celebrate life even more - singing, reading Marguerite Yourcenar, swimming, eating fish and fruits. If money and career were no object, where in the world would you choose to live? Where the sun always shines. How would you describe yourself in three words? Authentic, reasonable, creative. What are you passionate about at SAP? So many things: of course the software, I work ‘on premise’ and I love how stability-oriented is our software on one hand and at the same time so adaptive as an amphibian. SAP is a place of respect, you work with so many different people from diverse countries, with different backgrounds, different ages. The flat organizational structure which not only saves costs but opens communication; collaboration and brings new ideas. The opportunities we, as employees, are given to develop and learn, and also given to customers. SAP is always changing and moving forward. The flexibility how one can make the job. |