Career Corner Blog Posts
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Hi, again:

As promised, this is a new chapter of our "Who's behind @SAPSupportHelp" series.

This month we are presenting Catarina Monteiro, Cristiano Silveira and  Christiane Lehner-Teuber who responded to some short questions to let us know a little bit more about them.

Enjoy learning more about the fantastic team who delivers very useful information and tips and engages our followers.

Catarina Monteiro

Support Engineer HCM

Vienna (Austria)

If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?

Never get tired, no need to sleep and be able to  live more: work more, enjoy my family more, celebrate life even more - singing, reading Marguerite Yourcenar, swimming, eating fish and fruits.

If money and career were no object, where in the world would you choose to live?

Where the sun always shines.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Authentic, reasonable, creative.

What are you passionate about at SAP?

So many things: of course the software, I work ‘on premise’ and I love how stability-oriented is our software on one hand and at the same time so adaptive as an amphibian. SAP is a place of respect, you work with so many different people from diverse countries, with different backgrounds, different ages. The flat organizational structure which not only saves costs but opens communication; collaboration and brings new ideas. The opportunities we, as employees, are given to develop and learn, and also given to customers. SAP is always changing and moving forward. The flexibility how one can make the job.

Cristiano Silveira

Support Engineer FIN & BANKING

Sao Leopoldo (Brazil)

You’re on a deserted island, which three items do you have and why?

I would choose a compass to know where to go, an umbrella to be protected from the sun and flask of water!.

What are you passionate about at SAP?

I am passionate for company make possible many different businesses run each day better and then touch many products around us every day.

What’s your favorite thing about at SAP?

All the possibilities we as employee have here. All the initiatives and new technologies we can work on and invent new things.

If you could travel back in time, which year would you travel to and why?

If I could come back in time, I would like to come back to Ancient Egypt to see their amazing world and learn all their advanced techniques.

Christiane Lehner-Teuber

Support Engineer - HCM

Vienna (Austria)

Where would you prefer to live: beach, city or country?

City: Have everything quite near and seldom need car.

What is your favorite type of food?

Italian coffee.

What’s your favorite thing about at SAP?

People are pretty relaxed and in dealing with each other, at least in my working area.

You’re on a deserted island, which three items do you have and why?

  • Swiss army knife something similar: It is more elegant to open a coconut with a knife than throwing it against something.
  • Radio: if I do want to get away…
  • Bucket: Carry water.

More to follow...