Article originally authored by Caroline Harper, SAP Communications UK.

SAP Italy continues its tradition to host young students thanks to the “New Generation Program."
On July 1, SAP Italy launched the 7th edition of the “New Generation Program”, the summer training specifically developed for SAP colleagues’ sons and relatives. Thanks to this program, this year SAP Italy will offer the opportunity to 10 students to spend a month at its offices, with the aim to experience the real dynamics of a global company and to introduce the students in a concrete professional context.

SAP Italy welcomed the ten participants and during the first meeting they were associated to their personal buddies, 10 SAP employees who will act as partners of their adventure. In addition SAP Italy HR Director introduced the 10 students to SAP story, vision, mission and organization with a final drill down of the divisions where trainees are going to work in the next weeks: Legal, IT, Facilities, Global Purchasing, Field Services, Marketing, AGS and Innovation Team.
The summer training experience is not only based on everyday work-life activities, but it also provides useful and interesting lessons about different topics, like IT and Facilities, Sustainability, Online Personal Branding, HTML/web editing, how SAP uses Social Media, SAP Connect, Innovative Technologies and Mobility, that provide the participants with a deeper vision on how SAP operates in its internal and external communications. These training sessions are delivered by SAP colleagues, who volunteer to transmit their passion and knowledge to our millennial generation.
At the end of this experience, the trainees will receive a certificate for their attendance and will take part to a final ceremony to share their impressions, what they have learnt about SAP and how these learnings could be beneficial in their next academic careers.
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