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My father taught me the game of golf when I was just 8 years old.  I played many sports growing up, but my strongest passion has been for golf.  This year I helped start a golf club for SAP Silicon Valley, with the aim of using golf to connect colleagues, while providing a platform for giving back to the community.

The SAP Silicon Valley Golf Club started with 10 employees in Palo Alto, in early 2015, and has grown to over 100 golfers, representing all five bay area locations.  We hold friendly competitions monthly at local golf courses, trying to pick locations that attract golfers from various sites.

Golf provides a wonderful forum for collaboration and building friendships, while the competition takes place in beautiful, natural settings.  It is a game that requires humilty, grit, patience and hard work to achieve personal goals.

The SAP Golf Club was created to achieve a number of important objectives.  We wanted to offer a way for SAP colleagues throughout the Bay Area to connect through convenient opportunities for golfers to spend time together.  We also include some friendly competition at each outing, which helps players sharpen their skills.


Another goal of the club is to provide a platform for giving back to the community.  Starting in 2015, the SAP golf club has partnered with the First Tee Program, an organization focused on helping low-income kids enhance their lives by learning about the values of golf.  Starting in October, SAP golf club members will be able to volunteer at a number of First Tee events, to help kids with their careers and skills.  In many ways, golf mirrors life, with constant ebbs and flows, ups and downs, which makes some days tough and other days delightful.  The key is to keep working hard and giving your best effort and hope that everything will work out in the end.  These are some of the valuable lessons we hope to share with the kids from First Tee.

The SAP Golf Club is off to a great start and we hope to continue building the club with fun sporting events and opportunities for players to share their passion to help others.  If you are interested in joining the club or have any questions, please connect with us on SAP JAM.