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Article originally authored by Tina Rosario.

As we get further into 2016, SAP employees reflect back on their biggest moments in 2015. Last year, Tina Rosario had a huge change as she moved from Atlanta to Paris. But I’ll let her tell you about it:

This past year I literally moved.  Across the world.  From the city small enough to feel like a town to the beautiful city of light – Atlanta to Paris. With a husband, daughter, two cats and two rabbits.

And it has been wonderful. The warmth (surprised?) of the French people has been amazing. We’ve made lots of friends, found where to buy American goods (Goldfish crackers – score!), gotten better at speaking French, and have gained a few pounds thanks to croissants and eclairs. Beyond that the warm welcome from the SAP France colleagues has helped get me through the transition at work and brought a sense of community and normalcy to the move. I’m happy to say I have made friends at work and no longer eat lunch by myself each day.

Given the tough times here in Paris recently the community has gotten even stronger. At times my family and I felt like refugees and transplants into this new European lifestyle but that feeling didn’t last and is overshadowed by the smiles in the shops, sidewalks and hallways at Tour SAP.

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