SAP Labs France launched a new program on diversity at work in March 2015!
Diversity is a major topic for SAP Labs France which bring together more than 30 nationalities and is a key component of our company wealth and success. For the past years, the Labs commits to a better integration of the handicap through many actions and program. SAP Labs France is strongly involved – as a co-founder - in the association “IMS Entreprendre pour la Cité” and also sponsors every year events dedicated to disable people such as the regatta “Handiboise”.
This year the Labs decided to bring together all these initiatives in one innovative program: “Open up!”. Open up! is a global program with the goal to federate and mobilize all our employees on this central topic. The program is composed of 4 thematic driven by Ambassadors:
- Talk: Speeches and seminar around diversity to raise awareness of employees and provide input for the debate
- Art: Art workshops to express, to boost & foster refletion on diversity
- Sport: Encourage sports & physical activities at work beyond disabilities and support association actions around this topic.
- Job: Open up! as a crossroad / meeting point to recruit future employees & intern, coach disadvantaged people to support their professional rehabilitation.
The first activities start up in April with a great Success. Diversity was highlighted through four events: “3 in-1 fresco” art workshop, the “Diversity @work Pic contest”, “24h Le défi !” run, and “Health & Sport @work” survey.
3 in-1 fresco
During 3 days, on the 3 sites (Caen, Paris, Mougins), an artist guides employees to express themselves on an outlined fresco canvas to share with colleagues what “Diversity” means for them. Once all of the canvas will be finished they will become a single and unique painting.
Each lab will host its own fresco but a picture of the 3 assembled pieces will be displayed in each site. One canvas out of 3 has been already designed!

The diversity pic contest
It is a regional pic competition run by the association IMS PACA Entreprendre pour la Cité, from which SAP Labs is an active member. The thematic is: Diversity of origins @work.
There is many line of thought to explore for a company like SAP! That is why SAP Labs France decided to participate to the contest beside many local companies. Regional awards by IMS PACA and the best photos will be published in an inter-enterprises exhibition which will be advertise within the participating companies.
the 3 Best pictures of the labs employees:

Oliver LACOUR: Different colors, different sizes and altitudes but same goals

Ashwin Tanjore SHYAMSUNDAR : Working Independently Together @ SAP Labs France

Frederic COUTELLIER : Here I am!
24h le défi !
What is the humanitarian cause behind the event? The disability in our society and the employment of disable people. The funds will finance actions in favor of occupational integration of disable people. The labs employees participated to the défis on the 8 and 9 of May. They ran as a team for a 2 km on the Promenades des Anglais in Nice to record the maximum amount of kilometers. Total amount of fund raised: What's the score of our SAP Labs Runners?
- Results as «Team»: The SAP runners are ranked @ the 9th position / 66 teams 5 runners = 204 kilometers = 102 laps!!
- Results as «Enterprise»: SAP is ranked @ the 10th position / 66 enterprises 8 runners = 238 kilometers!!

Health & Sport @work
Sedentary lifestyle is a growing issue affecting office workers health, especially in IT companies. Like other companies located in Sophia Antipolis, SAP Labs France decided to participate in a survey leads by Nautipolis sport center on the topic “health @work”.
Raising awareness of our employees on this topic and improve well-being at work is one of our leitmotiv! Based on the survey results and in the framework of the People Weeks, we will organized a set of sport activities & thematic workshops (nutrition, health,…).
We will as well take sustainable actions to improve wellbeing work. Many other activities are planned for the coming months, to enhance diversity at work, foster our employees on this central topic, to reinforced SAP engagement for diversity, vector of cultural integration.