Career Corner Blog Posts
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A few nights ago, I got my new Enterprise Geeks truckers cap in the mail and I decided to capture it on video. I was wearing a pretty hideous sweatshirt (hey, it was cold out!), but decided to proceed with filming. I ended up taping a two part series on SAP career planning. In the end, I decided that the content in the videos overruled the fashion disaster, so I went ahead and posted them. These are also the first videos where I inserted captions and credits, so I'm getting pretty fancy these days. And yes, my outrageous lamp is lit up for a reason, explained in video #1.

The first video focuses on SAP skills acquisition. This basically involves identifying the gaps in your SAP skill set and how best to fill them. I also address the role of "business process expertise" and how to develop skills continuity:

The second video picks up where the first one left off. I take a look at social networking in an SAP career context. To me, one of the big shifts here is moving from a broadcasting and self-marketing mindset to a "community contribution" attitude.

This approach hopefully allows us to develop industry visibility simply as a great byproduct of doing work we care about and getting into projects and conversations that further that work. On a less idealistic level, I think we are seeing a shift from developing expertise from individual study to developing expertise in the context of community:

Of course, the problem with such videos is that it's hard to address the many variations in SAP skills and career paths in a couple of shoots. So if there are issues raised you'd like me to expore in more detail, either as a blog comment, a video, or a future podcast, let me know. But be forewarned: I might wear a funny hat when I answer your question. That's just how it goes at, especially in the belly of winter when the nights are cold and my hair is long and unwieldy in an effort to keep warm!