During the night of November 7th to 8th, SAP went to the University of Feevale ( in Novo Hamburgo, Rio grande do Sul, Brazil ) for an overnight challenge that happens once a year called “Madrugadão” which is similar to all-nighter, when you stay up all night doing something. The goal is to engage students from different courses, such as Design, Media Studies, Journalism, Photography and other courses related with publicity campaign for a real customer.In the 8th edition of the event. SAP was revealed in the opening as the customer for this edition of the event. The challenge presented was to elaborate ideas to make the SAP brand known by people whom don’t use the our software or don’t work in the IT area. This year was the 8th edition of Madrugadão and more than 400 people experienced the event.

In the photo: The winner team with Daniel Duarte and Lucas Escouto.
In parallel to Madrugadão, also happened the “Madrugadão do TI” event, similar to TI All-Nighter, where 6 teams, each one with 4 participants, had to develop an interface using SAP UI5 and connections to Web Services. They had to simulate a household appliance and create a solution using the concepts of ‘Internet of Things’. In order to support the teams in their development of the application, the candidates had assistance from some SAP experts ( Tiago Krammer, Daniel Sartor, Allan Silva, Marcio Martins, Guilherme Gerhard, Frederico Bittencourt, Ígor Lauxen and Arthur Braga ) and 2 professors from Feevale University (Gabriel Simões and Juliano Carvalho).
It was a great experience for us to join this event because we taught people about MVC, internet of things and SAP UI5 concepts. We also had a great opportunity to learn with the students different ways to develop and think about our application and challenges. Last but not least, teaching people that never worked before with SAPUI5 was a great way to prove that SAP UI5 has an efficient implementation, it’s really easy to learn and we have a robust documentation and API.

In the photo: All the participants, professors and SAP Employess