Article originally written by SAP TR & Communications team.

Two years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the concept that only men and women can legally marry from the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). A significant moment in U.S. history, for sure, and perhaps one that foreshadowed a major decision the Supreme Court passed down on Friday, June 26, a ruling that officially recognizes same-se x marriages.
So what will change for SAP employees with a same-se x spouse or partner currently enrolled in our benefits program? Not much, actually. SAP offered same-se x domestic partner and spouse coverage long before these recent rulings, but we’re going to do more based on this historic decision.
Primarily, the recent ruling will impact U.S. based employees enrolled in an SAP Medical/Dental plan, who are covering a same-se x spouse, and reside in a state that did not previously recognize marriage equality. These employees (currently designated with a domestic partner plan and who have already submitted a marriage license or certificate) will automatically roll over to spousal plans. SAP will tax equalize the 2015 state imputed income tax on affected employees’ payroll once we get further guidance from the government.
I am so pleased to work for a company like SAP, a company that truly supports equality in the workplace and strives to deliver that same equality in our employee benefit programs through same-se x medical benefits and transgender surgery coverage. #LoveWins
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