Dear all,
This Blog is for A much Hyped , Talked & discussed ERR tool SAP, JOBS.
You do Certification you will be highly paid, there are tremendous opportunities in SAP & Bla Bla Bla....
When you inquire about Training all institutes gives you all Fake Pictures, there are very less people who are certified & people already working without certification are getting paid 5 LPA, 8 LPA , 10 LPA, hence just imagine your doing certification & you will get handsome Salary.
( Routine Talks while taking Admission for SAP Training by Institute )
One really thinks Because of the high Fee structure of SAP Training & invest his Hard Earned Money , Time , Energy in SAP Training.
( Even Some Take loans, quits their current jobs thinking SAP will boost their Career) But reality is something Different .....
There are No job openings for Fresher in SAP, All asks hands on experience on SAP.
There is NO Demand in Market without EXP. & supply of Certified people from SAP authorized Channel partner is not controlled in fact its purely business for SAP.
After investing Lacs of rupees in Certification one Expects at least he should get annual package = Fee
but real scenario is people will ask you to work FREE for 03 Months / 06 Months & after which they will pay you 8 - 12 K / Month.
come-on Even Security guard gets paid more than this.
Anybody thinking of doing SAP Certification pl. Read it carefully / Ask your Doubts / questions before wasting your Hard Earned money.
Even search for Existing blog's for Jobs in SAP & you will see people don't get jobs for Years after Certification.
Instead keep those money in Savings / go for Foreign Tour / Buy a new car / Buy your Dream bike or just spend it as you wish,
at-least you can enjoy those money than doing COMPLETELY DEAD INVESTMENT.