Career Corner Blog Posts
Blog posts are a great way for SAP, customers, and partners to share advice, insights into career trends, new opportunities, and personal success stories.
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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

What is the work priority for a System/Basis Administrator? I need your help to vote in this poll - Let me know your thoughts on what the priorities are of a System Administrator. Comment below. I'd love to hear!

Women in computing... are we such a rarity? How many do you know? (Republished) by erika.atencio2No comments at the moment but it started as a random coffee corner discussion and then evolved. Women in computing... are we such a rarity? How many do you know?. Love to hear your opinions and experiences.

Why faking your CV would hunt you for life? by ravisankar.venna. This is an older post from 2014 but is still (unfortunately) valid today.

Career Discussion: Test Manager/Analyst - Join the Discussion and let us know your thoughts relating to a career as a Testing Manager or Analyst. We'll run a series of this throughout the year to discuss different jobs relating to SAP.

What background should you have before developing HANA skills? Finally a new Poll for careers. HANA is still the big topic but what do you all think of the skill when recommending it for someone? Is it all just for the tech team? Vote now and let's hear your thoughts.