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The default way the internet works is that the client (like a browser) makes a request for a resource located at a server, following which the server serves/rejects the request. Our requests are made under different URI schemes e.g. HTTP, HTTPS, FTP etc. For the time being, we will focus on the HTTP and HTTPS URI schemes. HTTP is the de facto scheme which is unsecured and hence far from used in standard production systems. HTTPS is HTTP running over SSL/TLS which renders content obfuscated thereby protecting it from eavesdroppers.

Mixed Content

The very purpose of using HTTPS is that the underlying SSL/TLS protocol would guard our data against all sniffers and eavesdroppers. Well that however doesn't end our responsibilities as far as the security of the application is concerned. If our application running over HTTPS, makes server requests over unsecured HTTP, then we've a problem. For example, an application might be running over SSL but is accessing an external image, CSS or JavaScript file over HTTP. Although we have certificates and encryption enabled to protect our site, but if the exchange/communication is happening over HTTP then all SSL deployment goes to waste. Eavesdroppers/sniffers still could hold onto such unprotected requests and cause potential Man In The Middle (MITM) attacks. This situation in an application is called having Mixed Content. Since browsers ultimately raise all requests to the server, they are well equipped now to handle such situations. IE, Chrome and Firefox currently block "Active Mixed Content" (discussed below) by default.

Browsers previously used to raise warnings which could be viewed in the console.

Fig.1 : Firebug console for Mixed Content Block

Of now, browsers block most of the active mixed content requests.

A word of note:

Firefox has a better (or different) "Mixed Content Block" implementation than Chrome. This difference exists due to the disparity in the definition of active mixed content by both the browsers. Firefox considers mixed iframes, XHRs and fonts as active category. Chrome's implementation for mixed content blocking was less secure as it didn't block mixed iframes and definitely not mixed XHRs. It's since Chrome 30 that mixed iframes started being blocked. However, mixed XHRs were still left out. Firefox on the other hand, still blocks most of the active mixed content objects.

Mixed Content in WebSockets

WebSocket protocol (ws:// or wss://) is a new application layer protocol which lets build fast, full-duplex communication channels easily. Note that a ws:// or wss:// (ws secured) connection initiates via an HTTP/HTTPS session itself with a protocol upgrade. For more details, refer this link. So, going by the definition of Mixed Content, ideally an unsecured WebSocket connection ws:// should be dropped if initiated over from an HTTPS session and that all servers should be configured to communicate over WebSocket secured wss:// scheme.

Mixed Content Types

Mixed Content requests have been categorized into two broad categories, depending on the degree of vulnerability/entropy introduced into the application if the request were to be rendered.

  1. Passive/Display Mixed Content - Passive Mixed Content are those content which are isolated from the other sections of the application. Such content do not possess the power to alter other parts of the document. For e.g., images, audio, video content belong to such cohort. So, if there exists an MITM over such content, then say an audio content could be crippled or damaged, however this could not allow the attacker to take control of other parts of the application which the audio content was not a part of. Although, ideally all mixed content should be blocked, however browsers do not block Passive Mixed Content as they do not pose any severe threat to the application. Many websites rely on passive mixed content to work and that blocking them would leave behind an array of broken and dangling websites.
  2. Active Mixed Content - If our content is related to scripts, stylesheets/links, XMLHttpRequest objects, iframes, @font-face, cursors etc. then we might disallow such content from rendering beyond the browser. As we know that content such as scripts let us access the DOM (or the application per se), StyleSheets allow injection of JavaScript as well (expression technique in IE or -moz-binding in Firefox), hence attacking such requests/content could compromise sensitive information. All Active Mixed Content are thus blocked by the browser.


              For e.g.:

Expression in IE

body {
width:expression(alert('you are busted !');

-moz-binding in Firefox

body {
-moz-binding: url(someEvilScript.xml#attack);

Prevent Mixed Content blocking

As of now we're fair to the fact that Mixed Content blocking arises due to HTTP content being requested over an HTTPS session. So, to solve the problem we've a few do's and dont's.

  1. If the application is served over HTTPS, then developers should ensure that all content needed are requested over HTTPS only and not over any other scheme.
  2. If some of the content needed is NOT available over HTTPS, then the provider should be contacted to apprise of the situation and request the access over HTTPS as well.
  3. Assuming that all content we need could also be rendered over HTTPS, then we as developers should always code the URLs etc. scheme un-prefixed. So, for example if we need to use google fonts for our application, then we might just use:


<!-- whatever content you need -->

<link href='//' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>


Note that the URL to the google font doesn't have any scheme like https:// or http:// . This provides the browser the leeway to decide the scheme for the request depending on the scheme on which the application is being rendered. So, if we access the unsecured HTTP version of the application, the font will be accessed over HTTP and if the application is being accessed over HTTPS, then the scheme changes to HTTPS.


Blocking mixed content is however a step taken by browser vendors. The rational behind is quite legitimate, however is at the expense of the freedom of the developers and the cost of broken websites. I as a developer might not care much about the mixed content brouhaha and would like my browser to allow. However, we cannot expect our eavesdroppers to be magnanimous and hence it should go into the best practices list of every web developer to avoid mixed content altogether.

A Word of Caution

Another pressing concern for addressing the mixed content blocking is  that Chrome is set to remove all Mixed Content XHRs and WebSocket connections in the next build. This ensures that neither any XHRs over HTTP nor any ws:// connection could be initiated by an application/document rendered over HTTPS. Firefox has been blocking mixed content websocket connections for a while now, this step ensures that all content goes over TLS now.

For further read, refer to this article. So, it's better that we check our current implementations and change them to prevent our apps from breaking.