Unable to enter values in a Planning/Input enabled Query:
Suppose you are calling a planning query from Visual Composer in any of your planning application and facing issue while entering the data.
Run the Query in RSRT and set the query display to HTML. If the Key figure is not Input ready upon execution of the query, visual composer
is not the source of this problem. The focus should be on the BW Query, Filter and Key figure properties.
- Check the Planning mode settings on the InfoCube
The property should be set to “Real-Time Data Target can be planned” - Check the planning (query) filters and Key
Figure restrictions: All characteristics in the filter must be restricted by a single value. If you have multiple value selections in the filter, the Input enabled Key figure must be restricted by a Single value in the key figure restrictions.
For example: Your filter is restricted by 0FISCYEAR # and 2010 in the query Filter. The input enabled Key Figure must be restricted by either 2010 or #.
- If Key Figures are not restricted by a single value; you can switch the input enabled KF’s property to Disaggregation mode and "test" the query execution. If a filter/KF restriction is not restricted by a single value, this property change would allow you to post values for the Key figure. Depending on the disaggregation option selected, the system would disaggregate the value entered.
For example: If you have 0FISCYEAR restricted by # and 2010 in the filter, and say your Input enabled KF not restricted by single value # or 2010. The disaggregation property would distribute the value entered across the two values. So in effect, you will see 2 records in the InfoCube, one for Fiscal year # and one for fiscal year 2010.
If the planning Cube is empty, Characteristic property in “rows / columns” set to use "Master Data" on the Advanced Tab. Also, planning function of type “generate combinations” must be run as first step to "prime the pump"; before data entry will be possible.
For further information refer to http://help.sap.com/saphelp_dm40/helpdata/en/43/37d8c2af4c1bcbe10000000a1553f7/content.htm
- Visual Composer checks: Compounding values passed from the header to the line-item part of the query is expected in a certain format. Say for example Funds Centre is compounded with InfoObject FM Area. The entered in the Input enabled query should be in
the format 1000/123456 where 1000 represents the FM area. This value 1000/123456 could be derived using a simple concatenation expression or directly entered in this format.